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Photos of some of their work I have brought. They all show the sculptor as supreme. Why should not we encourage individual young sculptors more? Give them portions of your work in which they can put all the fervor and enthusiasm of young manhood.

They cheered up wonderfully in a few days with good fresh air and sleep, and marched from Chitral quite briskly when they left. The next day I again went round the fort and got some photos, which follow.

The Vicar shut himself in his study, and pinned a notice on the door stating that nobody must disturb him. Monty retired to develop photos; Neale, clad in a mackintosh, went out into the wet; Meg and Elsie buried themselves in books. Diana, feeling that life was utterly drab, wandered from room to room doing nothing.

Here Bauer was seized by another convulsion that left him speechless, staring and all but dead. Blaine surveyed him coldly. "I didn't know you were much of a flier," he said. "Were you that chap's observer? Well, you must have photos, plans or something." Then Blaine coolly proceeded to search both men, the dead pilot and the one about to die.

There were some commonplace photos of commonplace people, a number of homemade kodaks, one or two stray views of Yellowstone Park, the big trees of California, Niagara Falls, and several groups that were supposed to be amusing.

All I know is that hundreds of photos are taken every day over enemy country, that ninety per cent of them are successful, and that the trained mechanics sometimes produce finished prints twenty minutes after we have given them our plates.

"I thought I was -was going to be -be chewed up!" "It was a narrow escape." "Say, after this, do you know what I think? I think we had better kill the beasts first and take the pictures afterward!" "Then we'll not have such good photos," returned the doctor's son. "Yes; but what good are photos to a fellow if he gets killed?" questioned Whopper ruefully.

"Father knows that the pictures -I mean the right kind -will be worth money, and so he said, if we'd go out, and do the very best we could about getting the photos, he would furnish the cameras and plates, and would pay all the expenses of the trip." "Whoop! hurrah! that suits me down to the ground!" cried Whopper. "Let's start to-morrow -no, this afternoon!"

Several foreigners sat on my throne and had their photos taken. When I was at the Shi An I was just like being sent into exile, although the Viceroy's Yamen was prepared for us, but the building was very old, damp and unhealthy. The Emperor became ill. It would take a long time to tell you everything; I thought I had enough trouble, but this last was the worst.

What had Wade done with the stolen money that Cristy had given him? He had had it photographed, for one thing, and turned the photos over to McAllister! He had been helping Cristy in her work! At the same time he had been trying to save Aunt Dolly from what? The suffering she would undergo under the disgrace of the very exposure which Wade was helping to bring about?