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He discovered 2,500 nebulae and 806 double stars, counted the stars in 3,400 guage-fields, and compared the principal stars photometrically. Some of the things for which he is best known were results of those accidents that happen only to the indefatigable enthusiast.

Its distance from the sun was then no less than 200 million miles, and its spectrum showed nothing unusual. These strange variations recurred slightly on October 15, and with marked emphasis on January 1, when they were witnessed with amazement, and photometrically studied by Müller of Potsdam.

The finished lamp is then photometrically tested, and placed on a support something like the Edison mounting. Upon it are engraved the working constants. As an ordinary practical result, these lamps, working with 50 volts and 1.15 amperes, give a luminous intensity of 20 candles, or the equivalent in luminous spherical intensity of 1.1 Edison A lamps.

Moreover, Professor G. Müller of Potsdam examined photometrically the phases of seven among them, of which four namely, Vesta, Iris, Massalia, and Amphitrite were found to conform precisely to the behaviour of Mars as regards light-change from position, while Ceres, Pallas, and Irene varied after the manner of the moon and Mercury.