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She must know, he said, his voice trembling with sincerity, that those who slighted the offers of grace were cast into outer darkness? Philly said, softly, "Maybe." "'Maybe? Alas, it is, certainly! Oh, why, WHY do you absent yourself from the house of God?" he said, holding out entreating hands. Philippa made no reply.

Clover called her share "Raspberry Shrub," Dorry christened his "Ginger Pop," while Cecy, who was romantic, took her three sips under the name of "Hydomel," which she explained was something nice, made, she believed, of beeswax. The last drop gone, and the last bit of cinnamon crunched, the company came to order again, for the purpose of hearing Philly repeat his one piece,

Philly had a bit of india-rubber in his letter, which was written with very black ink on a big sheet of foolscap: "I was once a naughty man, And I hid beneath the bed, To steal your india-rubbers, But I chewed them up instead. "Then you called out, 'Who is there? I was thrown most in a fit, And I let the india-rubbers fall All but this little bit.

As the doctor hurried out to the stable to hitch up he bade his wife put certain remedies into his bag, "and look after that child," he called over his shoulder to his efficient Martha. She was so efficient that when he had brought Jinny and the buggy to the door, Philly was able to gasp out that Mr. Fenn was sick. "Dying." "Don't try to talk," he said again, as he helped her into the buggy.

"I won't read a book if you send it. Save yourself the trouble," said Phillida, softly closing the inner door behind Miss Bowyer, leaving her standing face outwards in the vestibule. "You had a hard time shaking her off, didn't you, Philly?" said Agatha, issuing from the back part of the dark hall, having come out of the back room just in time to catch a glimpse of Eleanor Bowyer.

"I shall follow Hans' advice and stick to the good roads," said Dick. "I think the signboards will help us to get back to Philadelphia sooner or later." They sped down the hill and there found the road turned to the left and crossed a small stream. Then they reached a corner with several signboards. "Hurrah! that's the way to Philly!" cried Sam.

Some ideas are too good to keep; but Russ and Rose decided that this one was not in that class. They determined to tell nobody not even Mammy June or Daddy or Mother Bunker about what they proposed to do to help the old colored woman. They had tried once, and failed. And Philly and Alice and Frane, Junior, had laughed at them.

"Go down quickly, Adrian," said Kitty anxiously. "They'll wake Philly!" I descended without a word, and passed out into the Close from a French window on the ground floor. I glanced up in the direction of our rooms and noticed that my party were standing on the balcony outside the sitting-room. I could see Kitty's anxious face. But she need have had no fear.

In fact, Philemon, probably growing tired of the little effect produced by his two ornithological imitations, turned the key in the lock, and finding himself unable to open the door, said in a deep bass voice: "What, dearest puss, have you shut yourself in? Are you praying Saint Flambard for the return of Philly?"

Don't you think you ought to go and warm them?" "How?" "Well in your hands, very gently. And then I would let them run round in the sun." "I will!" said Philly, getting down from her lap. "Only kiss me first, because I didn't mean to, you know!" Philly was very fond of Katy. Miss Petingill said it was wonderful to see how that child let himself be managed.