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"I do not dislike him." "Then why ?" her father protested. But Philly was silent. Even Hannah came to the rescue: "You'll get a crooked stick at the end, if you don't look out!" Philly laughed; then her face fell. "I sha'n't have any stick, ever!" And Hannah, in her concern, confided her forebodings about the stick to Dr. King.

It seemed only a minute, before something touched her and woke her up. Behold, it was day-time, and there was Philly in his nightgown, climbing up on the bed to kiss her! The rest of the children, half dressed, were dancing about with their stockings in their hands. "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" they cried. "Oh, Katy, such beautiful, beautiful things!"

"Can't you tell by the taste? They're as green as can be." "I don't care, if Katy says they're ripe I shall eat 'em," answered Phil, defiantly, marching into the house. "What did Philly want?" asked Elsie, opening the parlor door as Phil went up stairs. "Only to know if the currants are ripe enough to eat."

Philly saw a good deal of the sister that summer; the young minister, recognizing Miss Philippa's fondness for Mary, and remembering a text as to the leading of a child, took pains to bring the little girl to Henry Roberts's door once or twice a week; and as August burned away into September Philippa's pleasure in her was like a soft wind blowing on the embers of her heart and kindling a flame for which she knew no name.

"You were real good to do it," responded Clover; "but if it had been mine I don't think I could." Just then the door flew open, and Johnnie rushed in, two years taller, but otherwise looking exactly as she used to do. "Oh, Katy!" she gasped, "won't you please tell Philly not to wash the chickens in the rain-water tub? He's put in every one of Speckle's, and is just beginning on Dame Durden's.

"Never mind, Philly, never mind! if you don't want to tell me " "I do want to tell you. I will tell you! You will despise me. But I will tell you. I DID A WICKED DEED. It was this very plant-here, where we stand, monk's-hood! It was poison. I didn't know oh, I didn't know. The book said monk's-hood it was a mistake. But I did a wicked deed. I tried to kill you "

"Princes, this clay shall be your bed, In spite of all your towers." The older children listened with a sort of fascinated horror, rather enjoying the cold chills which ran down their backs, and huddling close together, as Dorry's hollow tones echoed from the dark corners of the loft. It was too much for Philly, however. At the close of the piece he was found to be in tears.

He was occupied, poor boy, in trying again not to "marvel," and to be submissive to the divine will. After that, for several months, he refused Mary's plea to be taken to visit Miss Philly. He had, he told himself, "submitted"; but submission left him very melancholy and solemn, and also a little resentful; indeed, he was so low in his mind, that once he threw out a bitter hint to Dr.

I meant I meant no harm " He understood. He lifted her up and held her in his arms. Up on the porch William King saw that the two heads were close together! "Why!" the young man said. "Why but Philly! You loved me!" "What difference does that make?" she said, heavily.

One of the roses was a present from France, worth five guineas. I hope Mr. Lamb and Miss Wolfe are not much hurt. Very sad affair! strange too that it should happen through Jem Tylers cattle poor Jem, who had such a respect for you!" "Respect for me!" echoed Miss Philly, "when he called me a chattering old maid, Mrs. Loveit heard him. Respect for me!"