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There are all sorts of itinerants, petits marchands, on the other side of the quay, looking on the water old women with fruit and cakes children with crabs and shrimps dolls in Boulonaise costume fishwives and matelottes, stalls with every description of food, tea, coffee, chocolate, sandwiches, and fried potatoes.

There was he plucking at me: "Monsieur Henri-Richie, Monsieur Henri-Richie! mille complimens . . . et les potages, Monsieur! a la Camerani, a la tortue, aux petits pois . . . c'est en vrai artiste que j'ai su tout retarder jusqu'au dernier moment . . . . Monsieur! cher Monsieur Henri-Richie, je vous en supplie, laissez-la, ces planteurs de choux."

He had heard of his old bourgeois' marriage, and was anxious to see him. Mr. Shaw was walking in the Champ de Mars with a couple of officers, when La Liberté espied him. He immediately ran up, and, seizing him by both hands, accosted him, "Ah! mon cher Monsieur le Chat: comment vous portez-vous?" "Très-bien, Louizon." "Et comment se porte Madame la Chatte?" "Et tous les petits Chatons?"

What matters, however, are not theories, but works: so what of the works of Jazz? If Stravinsky is to be claimed for the movement, Jazz has its master: it has also its petits maîtres Eliot, Cendrars, Picabia, and Joyce, for instance, and les six. All five have their places in contemporary civilization: and such talents are not to be disposed of simply by the present of a bad name.

Among the exhibitions of art to which a stranger is conducted immediately after his arrival in the French metropolis, there is none which is more characteristic of the disposition of the people than the Musèe des Monumens François, situated in the Rue des Petits Angustins.

But in truth the petits appartements are instinct with memories of Marie Antoinette, and it is difficult to think of any save only her occupying them.

Her compositions include a piano concerto, a piano quartette, and a number of excellent smaller works, such as an impromptu, two meditations, six petits morceaux, and some valses for two pianos. Among violin writers, Mlle. Brisson, who flourished in the early part of the last century, produced a number of pieces for that instrument with piano, as well as some harp and piano music.

It is very odd that while the French and Scotch can contrive to give a delicious breakfast or dinner on shipboard, while the Germans on the Rhine are positively luxurious, and while we know that a steam-boiler offers every convenience for petits plats, the real old English steam-boats of the General Steam Navigation Company never vary from huge joints and skinny chickens, with vegetables plain boiled.

Their side-arms jingled against the teeth of the wind, which tried to snatch at their bayonets and to drag the rifles out of their grip. They never raised their heads to glance at the Red Cross carts coming back. Some of the French officers, tramping by the side of their men, shouted through the swish of the gale: "Courage, mes petits!" "II fait mauvais temps pour les sales Boches!"

So, by way of showing the Duchesse that her little shot of the morning had failed in its effect, as Frank left the room with his cousin, Lady Kew gaily hinted, "that the young earl was aux petits soins with Miss Ethel; that she was sure her old friend, the Duc d'Ivry, would be glad to hear that his godson was about to range himself. He would settle down on his estates.