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She was known as La Glue, her real name was Victorine, she had sat for Manet's picture of Olympe, but that was years ago. The face was thinner, but I recognised the red hair and the brown eyes, small eyes set closely, reminding one of des petits verres de cognac.

The first is a masquerade, an amusing sight, because the men go as facchini, or porters; there was also a barca filled with people, and a great number on foot besides; and five or six sets of trumpets and kettledrums, besides several bands of violins and other instruments. The chiccherata is also a masquerade. What the people of Milan call chicchere, we call petits maitres, or fops.

The names were very difficult for Tamara to catch, especially as they all called each other by their petits noms all having been friends since babyhood, if not, as often was the case, related by ties of blood; but at last she began to know that "Olga" was the Countess Gléboff, and "Sonia," the Princess Solentzeff-Zasiekin both young, under thirty, and both attractive and quite sans gêne.

Beside them, in their marvellous garden, lingers a memory too of Manon and Des Grieux, with a suggestion of Lauzun and a glimpse of the art of Fragonard. All combine, all contribute from the great classics to the eighteenth century petits maitres to build up a story of love's rise in the human breast in answer to Nature's promptings.

J'avais le plaisir de voir remuer les pattes, ou pieds, de cette Ortie, et ayant mis le vase plein d'eau ou le corail etait a une douce chaleur aupres du feu, tous les petits insectes s'epanouirent. L'Ortie sortie etend les pieds, et forme ce que M. de Marsigli et moi avions pris pour les petales de la fleur.

The "sergents de ville" have received orders to arrest anyone wearing the Red Cross who is unable to produce his certificate as an infirmier. This has thrown the petits crevés the pets of priests and old ladies those youths who are best described by the English expression, "nice young men for a small tea-party" into consternation.

Les enfants des Petits-Carreaux Se font pendre cornme des veaux*. * The children of the Petits Carreaux let themselves be hung like calves. The illustrious wine shop of "Eve's Apple" was situated in the University, at the corner of the Rue de la Rondelle and the Rue de la Batonnier.

When I reminded him that I could only have done such a thing by turning traitor, he replied, 'Les grands âmes se soucient peu des petits moraux. It was not worth while to reason with a man who had neither little morals nor great ones, so I merely replied that from the genius and situation of the country the thing was impracticable; and he answered, 'That depends on the estimate we form of the human passions, and of the means of influencing them. Burr would neither regard a scheme of usurpation as visionary, he is sanguine and visionary to a degree that will be his ruin, nor be restrained by any reluctance to occupy an infamous place in history."

Were he, however, as disagreeable as I find him, in truth, pleasant and frank, your wishes would conceal all his faults." "You have learned, Mr. Powis, that small attentions are as much remembered as important services, and after having saved our lives, wish to prove that you can discharge les petits devoirs socials, as well as perform great deeds.

'I think, my dear he said. 'Going to have a dash at the petits chevaux? inquired Mr Vince. 'I was there just now. I have an infallible system. Mr Warden started like a war-horse at the sound of the trumpet. 'Only it's infallible the wrong way, went on the young man. 'Well, I wish you luck. I'll see Miss Warden home.