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These last were divides between our two ships, under Captains Davis and Swan; and the Frenchmen were put into our prize, named the Flower, under the command of Captain Gronet, their countryman, in return for which he offered commissions to Captains Davis and Swan, from the governor of Petite Goave, as it is the custom of the French privateers to carry with them blank commissions.

My master was brave enough, but he enjoyed life, and he did not think la petite Marigny worth being killed for. "Leporello remembered very little of what followed.

Then came La Pompadour on the scene, the petite bourgeoise who, by the nobility acquired by the donning of a court costume and marriage with the Sieur Normand d'Étioles, usurped the right to sit beside duchesses and be presented to the queen, if not as an equal, at least as the maitresse of her spouse, the king.

It became necessary to quarrel with them frequently, otherwise the picture would have contained many ridiculous things. It is now past, and, of a certainty, I am glad. I am longing to make the return to Wellington. It will be the grand happiness to see again all my dear friends, you in particular, beloved Jeanne. "La petite Norma will soon finish the engagement with the stock company.

Cette petite vallée, qui s'ouvre au pied du Brezon, est étroite et tortueuse; les angles saillans engrenées dans les angles rentrans y sont extrêmement sensibles. Elle conduit au village de Brezon, qui est situé derrière la montagne de ce nom.

Suffice it to say, that Papineau has retired to solitude and reflection at his seignory, 'La Petite Nation' and that the pastoral letter, of which I enclose a copy, has been read au prône in every Roman Catholic church in the diocese.

He laughed, and obeyed her, setting a cup and plate within reach. "You seem to have been making the most of your privilege. Have you done anything while I was out?" "But yes. I have been possessing my soul in quietness; and I have been talking to Eldred." He passed a caressing hand over her hair. "Pauvre petite! How much of that do you really believe?" "Don't ask uncomfortable questions!

Little birds flew from place to place with a little chilly cry, seeking a shelter. The thick curtain of elm trees that formed a protection against the sea wind, the lime tree and the plane tree with their crimson and yellow tints seemed clothed, the one in red velvet and the other in yellow silk. Jeanne walked slowly up and down petite mere's avenue, alongside the Couillards' farm.

I have said that I never returned home during my three years' school life in Paris; but portions of my holidays were spent with a French family, kind friends of my parents, who received me as an enfant de la maison among them. They belonged to the petite bourgeoisie of Paris. Mr.

'Nay, ma petite! it is too long to play the ignorant when the bridegroom is on his way from Paris. 'Madame, said Eustacie, turning to her aunt, 'you cannot suffer this scandal. The meanest peasant may weep her first year of widowhood in peace. 'Listen, child. There are weighty reasons. The Duke of Anjou is a candidate for the throne of Poland, and my son is to accompany him thither.