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"We may as well be going," said Joe, who was thoroughly disgusted with their new companion. "Just as you say, Joe," said Joshua. "Here, you pesky critter, come and let me mount you." The mustang realized Joe's prediction. After his hearty supper he seemed to be quite tractable and permitted Mr. Bickford to mount him without opposition. Joe also mounted his horse.

Dar wa'n't much ob dat pesky spotted ripenin' up jes a plant h'yer an' anodder dar, all in 'mong de green, but jest about a good barnfull in tollable fa'r patches, an' den anodder comin' right on atter it. I'll hev it full agin an' fire up by to-morrer evenin'." "Do you hang it right up after cutting?" asked the officer. "Wal, we mout do so.

It's pesky full of trouble; dangerous, too. It's so strange! " and the pedler showed himself a little bewildered by the sudden manner in which the subject had been broached. "There's little time to be lost, Bunce: if we don't set to work at once, we needn't set to work at all. Speak out, man! will you join us, now or never, to save the young fellow?"

When Jerry came in he reported that he had had a shot at an elk, but failed to stop his flight. He also declared that he had seen what he believed to be a wolf skulking through the timber. "Oh, I don't doubt it," said the old stockman, when Frank looked questioningly at him. "The pesky critters like to hang around here, looking for a nice calf that happens to stray away from its mammy's side.

Tom must be using his revolver. A hit! Somebody yelled," cried Lieutenant Wingate. "I hope it is that pesky mosquito that has been trying to sting us. Stay here while I go out to investigate." "No, no!" protested Grace. "If you do you and Tom surely will shoot at each other.

Keep on working in stable manure or rotten straw, or any other coarse vegetable matter, when the soil is moist enough for its decay. Plow under all the weeds you can grow, or green barley or rye, and later grow a crop of peas or vetches to plow in green. Keep at this till the pesky stuff gets mellow.

"Well, so I am; but they have him down there stowed away, and a whole regiment of soldiers wouldn't be able to get in, unless that dog is put out of the way. And that pesky old woman looks more like the devil than a human being. I wouldn't venture back there alone for the whole north half of Michigan!" "But isn't this the man you want?" pointing to me. "The devil, no.

"No, I don't," answered Mr Middlecoat. "But you can't get at 'em and avoid these pesky thorns." Said Mrs Bosenna gaily, "Mr Middlecoat called on me half an hour ago wi' the purpose to make himself disagreeable as usual though I forget what his excuse was, this time and I set him to hunt caterpillars." "Dang it, look at my hands!" growled the young farmer, holding them out.

Everywhere, clogging sidewalks, there are these Cornell University girls holding hands with their guys. Makes me sick. If I go to a waterfall or a park to paint or pick up some milk at the 7-11 I have to wave my hand and shoo them away like pesky flies. And you know that each of them is thinking about what he's thinking about her. So apparent!

"Take your seat, and begin; I'll read you two, and you choose the best in your judgment of those; then take another and compare with that, and so on." "Well," said Norton. "Get along, David. It s a pesky business, this being judge, I can tell you." "Silence in the court!" said David. "Esther Francis; capital, the most beautiful diamonds in New York; interest, she outshines everybody."