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In one of the French newspapers I saw the following verse: Boches, a l'univers votre zele importun Fait des "communiques" dont personne n'est dupe. Vous dites: "Nos soldats occuperont Verdun. Jusqu'ici c'est plutot Verdun qui les occupe." We left the car and climbed through the ruined streets to the top of the citadel.

My dear sir, Je regrette Charles Greville. C'etait l'un des spectateurs politiques les plus clairvoyants, les plus fins et les plus equitables que j'aie rencontres en ma vie; et un ami fidele sans se donner tout entier a personne. Vous devez regretter beaucoup son amitie et sa societe. Ses memoires seront bien curieux. Je suis charme qu'il vous les ait legues.

Ne donnez iamais de sobriquet, soit dans le jeu, ou bien hors du jeu. Gardez vous bien de picquer qui que ce puisse estre; ne vous mocquez d'aucune personne, particulierement d'entre celles qui sont qualifiées, quoy qu'auec occasion. Never give nicknames, whether in fun or not.

In New England, as might be expected, however, the popular dislike of that "culte de la personne," as some Frenchman has called it, which distinguishes "the white-cravat-and-daily-bath gentleman," has provided itself with a moral basis.

Elle m'a dit que personne n'avait eu plus d'inquietudes et de souffrances dans le travail qu'elle, et que le peu qu'elle fait lui coute enormement. "J'ai discute avec Lewes l'idee de faire la reimpression de mes articles, et il m'a conseille de ne pas le faire si je puis fonder un livre sur ces articles.

"Your strangers can be much kinder to you than I have been." "Never! I wish they did not exist! What do I care for them? What do they care for me? They do not know me; I shall shock them. I miss you, I hate them, already. Non! Personne ne m'aime, et je n'aime personne!" she exclaimed, with low-toned vehemence. "Rite," began Mr. Raleigh. "Rite! No one but my mother ever called me that.

As they were going to start, a footman met Nekhludoff in the ante-room, and handed him a note from Mariette: Pour vous faire plaisir, f'ai agi tout a fait contre mes principes et j'ai intercede aupres de mon mari pour votre protegee. Il se trouve que cette personne pout etre relaxee immediatement. Mon mari a ecrit au commandant. Venez donc disinterestedly. Je vous attends.

He, too, had been, with Isambard, one of the acolytes of the Vice-Inquisitor. In his evidence, he tells of how, after Isambard had been advising Joan in her prison, he was met by Warwick, who threatened to have him thrown into the river if he continued seeing the prisoner. We next have 'vénérable et circonspecte personne Maître André Marguerie'; this was one of Cauchon's most trusted creatures.

Autre personne que sadite mere ne lui apprint any lore whatsoever; and she so little yet everything that was wanted her prayers, her belief, the happiness of serving God, and also man; for when any one was sick in the village, either a little child with the measles, or a wounded soldier from the wars, Isabeau's modest child no doubt the mother too was always ready to help.

You are naturally the proper person la personne indiquee. Every one shall be wanted presently. Every one." He bent down from the landing over Razumov, who had lowered his eyes. "The moment of action approaches," he murmured. Razumov did not look up. He did not move till he heard the door of the drawing-room close behind the greatest of feminists returning to his painted Egeria.