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It was essential for him to extend his line so as to cover all the practicable ground, and to secure himself from being outflanked and charged in the rear by the Persian horse. This extension involved the weakening of his line.

I cannot here go further into the details of this investigation, but must remark that even the incomplete and imperfect drawings of these plants, which, owing to the difficulty of preserving them, are so difficult to collect through travelers, exhibit such a wealth of shape, that it is quite natural that Indian and Persian flower-loving artists should be quite taken with them, and employ them enthusiastically in decorative art.

First comes the old Chaldæan period, next the Assyrian, during which the great city of Nineveh was built, and finally the Persian, after Cyrus had subdued the older monarchies; and remains exist of all these periods.

Beside the divan, spread over the Persian rugs, were two unusually large black bearskins, the mounted heads converging. At one end of the tent was a small doorway, a little portable writing-table.

For we are almost bound to call Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, by this august title for two reasons First, because the Hebrew Scriptures call him so; the next, because he proved himself to be such by his actions and their consequences at least in the eyes of those who believe, as I do, in a far-seeing and far-reaching Providence, by which all human history is

The Persian monarch, utterly discomfited, was compelled to cede to Russia large provinces in the Caucasus, and extensive territory on the south-western shore of the Caspian, and to pay all the expenses of the war. Immediately after this, on the 7th of May, 1828, war was declared against Turkey.

At the palace-gates the latter dispersed to their several abodes, in order to exchange the simple Persian leather hunting-costume for the splendid Median court-dress. At the same time he assigned him the revenues of Bactra, Rhagae and Sinope for the maintenance of his new household, and to his young wife, all the duties levied from her native town Phocaea, as pin-money.

They determined to retire by night, and the steersmen were given orders to prepare for a voyage. Themistokles, enraged at the idea of the Greek fleet dispersing, and losing the advantage of the narrow waters, planned the affair of Sikinnus. This Sikinnus was a Persian who had been taken prisoner, and who was fond of Themistokles and took charge of his children.

Vines that hung upon the piazza shaded the windows, and flickering sunbeams danced upon the polished floor, and brightened the color of the Persian rug. The portraits seemed to look with interest at Polly, and she smiled back at them, and nodded as she passed them. "They look like real people," she said, "and it doesn't seem polite to pass them without nodding."

This is the short epic of the Persian Empire, ending, alas! as all human epics are wont to end, sadly, if not shamefully. But let me ask you, Did I say too much, when I said, that to these Persians we owe that we are here to-night? I do not say that without them we should not have been here. God, I presume, when He is minded to do anything, has more than one way of doing it.