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If a system of lofty continuous dikes, like those of the Po, had really been adopted in Egypt, in the early dynasties when the power and the will to undertake the most stupendous material enterprises were so eminently characteristic of the government of that country, and persevered in through later ages, and the waters of the annual inundation had thus been permanently prevented from flooding the land, it is conceivable that the productiveness of the small area of cultivable soil in the Nile valley might have been long kept up by artificial irrigation and the application of manures.

Still they persevered, and one held a cooling glass of lemonade to his parched lips. Seated on the after hatchway was a little boy who had that morning lost both his parents. He shed no tear. Familiarity with misery had deprived him of that sad consolation. We passed on to a group of Irishmen gathered round an old gray-haired man lying at length upon the forward deck.

Yet the majority had persevered in this demoralising system. The depreciation had reached eleven for one; and the evil was almost deemed incurable, when the fortunate circumstance of a reimbursement in specie, made by parliament for colonial expenditures on account of the expeditions against Louisbourg and Canada, suggested to Mr.

She saw him coming and halted at the corner drug store to gaze demurely at a window display of gaily tinned talcum powder. As the boy came up to her, a queer, choking sensation filled his throat. "'Lo," he gulped nervously. Not a sign of recognition. Evidently "Rose is red" still rankled. "'Lo," he persevered. She raised her chin ever so slightly. "Those kids won't throw any more cucumbers.

But in the teeth of that dubious malediction he persevered, and his next attack was upon aunt Julia. "You liked her; did you not?" "Yes; I liked her." The tone implied great doubt. "I liked her, till I found that she had forgotten herself." "But she didn't forget herself. She just did what any girl would have done, living as she was living. She has behaved nobly to me."

"There is something you have not considered. If you die, if Mr. Wilding kills you..." she paused. He looked at her, and at the repetition of the fate that would probably await him if he persevered in the course he threatened, his purely emotional courage again began to fail him.

For it is somewhat singular, that, in every age, the best and wisest of the Roman governors persevered in this pernicious method of collecting the principal branches at least of the excise and customs. The sentiments, and, indeed, the situation, of Caracalla were very different from those of the Antonines.

It was very tiresome, slow work; and sometimes he was near losing his paddle, and sometimes his knife. He persevered, however: now resting for a minute or two, and then eating a few of the ears, and thinking that only very hungry people could swallow them, soaked as they were with bad water.

Leaving him a prisoner on board the Phlegethon, we, with the floodtide pushed forward in pursuit of Seriff Sahib. For two days we persevered in dragging our boats, for the distance of twenty miles, up a small jungly creek, which, to all appearance, was impassable for anything but canoes.

The protracted trial, however, patiently persevered in for several long months, when he had every advantage, in his own house, to pray the devil out of the eldest of the children, resulting in her becoming more and more "saucy," insolent, and outrageous, may have undermined his faith to an extent of which he might not have been wholly conscious.