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Our interpreter, Wu, took the heart as his perquisite, carefully extracted the blood, and dried it in a basin. The liver also seemed to be an especial desideratum, and in fact every part of the viscera was saved. We expected from our easy hunt of the morning that it would not be difficult to get sambur, and indeed, Heller did see another in the afternoon but failed to kill it.

This is scandalous!" quoth they, in righteous wrath on being bidden to disgorge and ordered before a court-martial. "We have nothing but the customary perquisite! It is you who would rob us!" From highest to lowest, in church, in state, in school, in every place, there seemed no creed that barred the acquisition of money by any means short of actual robbery of the person.

It was said of the matrons, which did not redound to their credit if true, that when a seaman died, and was reported to them, they exclaimed: “Poor fellow! bring me his bag, and mind everything belonging to him is put into it.” This they considered their perquisite. Surely this is wrong and robbery! Ah, Mr. Hume! why were you a puling, helpless babe at that time?

A gigantic figure a seven-foot machine for turning potatoes in human nature wrapt up in an immense great-coat, and urging on two starved ponies, with dreadful imprecations and uplifted shillala. The Irish crow discerns a coming perquisite, and is not inattentive to the proceedings of the steeds.

Only he who regards political office as a public trust, and not as a private perquisite to be used for the pecuniary advantage of himself or his family, or even his party. Is there intelligence enough in these cities, if thus organized within the parties, to produce the result which we desire?

The dream was growing in glory. "Quite so. And does my exalted position carry with it any agreeable perquisite in the way of pocket money?" "If you will dip your finger in your pouch " Olivier suggested, pointing a thin forefinger at Villon's jewelled belt.

"Give it up," replied Mavis. "They're the 'overs." "What on earth's that?" "Oh, I say, you are ignorant; reelly you are. 'Overs' is what's left and unclaimed at 'Poulter's." "Really?" "They're my 'perk," which last word Mavis took to be an abbreviation of perquisite.

Everything that related to the remembering of names and faces, of dates, anniversaries and historical associations, all those small considerate actions of royal charity which robbed of their due privacy have now become the perquisite of the press; all these things stood ranged under minutely tabulated heads within the Comptroller-General's department.

You won't miss it, and we've a great deal to do for small fees, that niver compinsate for the accommodation we be's to give everybody-an' the loss of time's the loss of money." "Give you a perquisite! no, indeed; I never pay for such favors. Wait a few moments; I will accompany you myself, if you will not take my honor for his good conduct on the way to prison," continued the Captain.

Yet the situation was not without its compensations. For several days when Ellis called him at seven, he would answer him and thank fortune that he was not required at the bank that morning. The luxury of another hour of sleep seemed the greatest perquisite of wealth.