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Say, rather, hate and the craving for revenge." "Yes," said Perolla, moodily; "they are indeed evils, but less than mine, in that they are passed " "And is Rome safe, do you think?" she asked quickly. "Rome will conquer," he said doggedly, "unless there be many more traitors like you." "Fool!" she cried, grasping his wrist.

"I have been with you scarcely two days," he said, "and now you try to murder me." The senators fell upon their knees, kissing his gown and hands, in a frenzy of horror at the thought. "Who is this fellow?" asked Hannibal, turning Perolla over with his foot.

Do you not know him that only the gods can turn him from his purpose?" Marcia had wheeled about with flashing eyes and faced the last speaker. "You have shown me the way," she cried. "It is the gods who shall delay him." Perolla gazed at her in astonishment, as at one gone mad, but Magius nodded and frowned. "It is the best chance," he said slowly, "the only one."

From these four the Roman's eyes wandered to a fifth Carthaginian, who seemed to complete the tale of guests of that nationality. Her informant had passed him by in silence, and had gone on to point out Jubellius Taurea, Pacuvius Calavius, and his son, Perolla the only Campanians present besides the hosts of the occasion.

The same instinct that tells me, doubtless warned Hannibal also that this was not a courtesan, much less an immodest woman well born, and, least of all, a coward who would flee her city, or a traitress who would betray it. You will know more of such things, my Perolla, when you learn to study them less."

Surely yes, for did not he, Perolla, now hear his friend's eyes saying to him that he was but a fool who had added to folly, philosophy, and to both, weakness, and to all, madness? He looked around at his companions. Some were gaping at him vacantly, some were laughing.

Then she ran several steps in the direction he had taken, and called, though she dared not call his name, until a female attendant came hurrying to answer her. "My lord, Perolla," said the girl, "had but just rushed out into the street, as if possessed of a daimon.

Hannibal viewed them with drooping lids, and the smile returned to his lips. Perolla stirred slightly. Again he addressed the Capuans, raising his voice somewhat, so that the crowd might hear. "What is your law for the punishment of such a crime?" Those who had not recognized the assassin, cried out, "Death."

"Who will be there?" she asked, as they approached the street door. "All of especial note, except Vibius Virrius and Marius Blossius. They are away, busied about matters of state. Mago also has just departed on a mission to Carthage. There will be no Campanians save our hosts, myself, my son, Perolla, and Jubellius Taurea, the bravest of our horsemen.

She spoke, marvelling at her steady tones, and, turning, walked, with drooping head, to the semicircular, marble seat; not the single seat, back amongst the foliage, where she had met Perolla; "the philosopher's chair," as Calavius had called it laughingly, where his son retired to commune with thoughts too great for men.