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The periodical festivals of the Romans were celebrated with theatrical entertainments and sports in the circus at the public expense. The most remarkable of these festivals was the secular, which occurred only at periods of one hundred and ten years. The others occurred annually, and were named from the gods to whose honour they were dedicated.

This discovery proved to be a graveyard of prehistoric monsters dating back probably several millions of years ago. Entombed in the rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, many lizard-like animals of gigantic size called saurians were found.

Most civilizations have had a body of religious institutions staffed by a priestcraft, which has shared power with the economic overlords. During certain periods in the long history of Egyptian civilization the priestcraft held the balance of power. So great was its ascendancy that the spoils of war and the gains of peace were shared by the temple treasury and the royal treasury.

He had also learned to appreciate the early morning hours as being those which present Nature in her sweetest, as well as her freshest, aspect when everything seems, more than at other periods of the day, to be under the direct influence of a benignant Creator.

Groups of relics and remains attributed by archæologists to distinct stocks of people, may, in cases, be the work of one and the same people executed under the influence of different environments and at widely separated periods of time. Mixed conditions in the remains of a locality are often due to the presence of different peoples, synchronously or otherwise.

Major SKINNER, who for upwards of forty years has had occasionally to live for long periods in the interior, occupied in the prosecution of surveys and the construction of roads, is strongly of opinion that the disposition of the leopard towards man is essentially pacific, and that, when discovered, its natural impulse is to effect its escape.

This sandstone is the 'lowest member of the lowest Silurian rocks; and the discovery is good evidence that there were living creatures walking on the land at the very oldest periods hitherto revealed by geology thus carrying back the appearance of organic life to a time more remote than had been supposed.

Naturally, like a man in any other business, he had his ups and downs, and there were times when the good clothes disappeared and he was temporarily forced to return to the occupation of rubbing down horses; but these periods of depression were of short duration, and at the next turn of fortune's wheel he would again be on top.

Periods of silence were dispersed by suggestions that we should "hoot awa'," Jarman himself setting us the example. With the clearance away of the eatables, making room for the production of a more varied supply of bottles, matters began to mend. Mrs.

For this and other reasons we may at once conclude that the corresponding primordial or archeolithic period must have been in itself much longer than the whole of the remaining periods together, from its close to the present day. Of late years the thickness of the archaic rocks has been put at 90,000 feet. COLUMN 4 : Synonyms of Formations. Present : Upper alluvial. Recent : Lower alluvial.