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Other epithets, such as 'the light of heaven and earth, 'the one who pursues his path over the wide world, are all in keeping with the solar character of the deity, and date, therefore, from a period when the more purely 'nature' phases of the god were dwelt upon. He becomes the god of the cloud storm, before whom, as he passes along, heaven and earth tremble.

What chiefly contributed to their disquietude, was the dreadful consciousness that, however their present efforts might secure a temporary safety, the period of their fall was only protracted.

So few women are true blue sports, I'm afraid." "You must be very, very angry and hurt, Donald?" "I am. So angry and hurt that I desire to be happy within the shortest possible period of elapsed time. Now, old girl, look right into my eyes, because I'm going to propose to you for the last time.

Many of the belles of that older period were married; not a few of them, like Miss Becky Franks, had married English officers, and were now departing for England since there was no more glory to be gained at war, and these heroes were somewhat at a discount.

They show, also, that the authorities who governed the navy appreciated bravery, and were ready to obtain the services of such gallant fellows for the advantage of the country. We find fire-ships at this period universally sent to sea with fleets.

+The divine Man.+ The idea of a divine Man, the emanation of the infinite, the soul of the universe, the source and goal of all humanity, is ages older than Christian theology. It can be traced in Babylonian religious literature, for instance, at a period older even than the Old Testament.

Fuller's practice, at a later period, we have an account in a letter of his to Governor Bradford, dated June, 1630.

I like to surround it with chivalrous and stalwart manhood; and it is a standing grievance to me that I have to clothe all this masculine escort in coats and trousers and chimney-pot hats; worse than all, in the evening dress of the period! that I cannot surround my divinity with a guard of honour more worthily arrayed!

I allude to that period when the bold spirit of Spain burst forth indignant against the oppression of Buonaparte.

I had sufficient curiosity, before writing these lines, to look through the back numbers of the Moniteur for that period, and started in horror at the terrible accumulation of useless chatter I came upon.