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I have made up my mind to live and die in the Canadian woods, considering it my wayward fate that all 'my sweetness should be wasted on the desert air." "Repining is useless, if not sinful," observed Mary Percival.

"That's the usual fate of reform. Don't be a fool, Dick." But Dick was already disappearing down the corridor in pursuit of the able woman editor. The girl waiting in the disordered office looked more than ever like a bridesmaid rose, pink and ruffled and out of its proper setting, as she saw Mr. Percival coming.

Early that morning, in fact some time prior to the time that Percival told his story, the wireless operator reported that his transmitter was out of order. While he was satisfied that the apparatus had not been tampered with, he was plainly affected by the rather grim coincidence. He was an old and trusted man in the service, competent, efficient and loyal.

Mr Percival, having been detained, had not yet come in; but Henderson, Kenrick, and Power, who had also been asked to tea, were there waiting for him when Walter arrived, and Henderson, as usual, amusing the others and himself with a flood of mimicry and nonsense. "You know that mischievous little Penkridge," said Kenrick; "he nearly had an accident this morning.

"Well, I don't mind showing her to you, Dick, so if you will get out your runabout we'll go down and I'll give you a trip on the river." "To be sure I will," replied Percival eagerly. "Come along." In half an hour the two boys were at the wharf of the machine shop, and Jack was showing his new acquisition to Percival, whose delight could hardly be expressed in words.

"Tell her I hope she'll soon be all right. Shall you see her?" "I can see that she gets any message you want to send." Robin groped among his treasures: "Look here: I brought away her knife that afternoon. She lent it me. She'd better have it it's got four blades she may want it, perhaps." Percival dropped the formidable instrument carelessly into his pocket: "She shall have it.

Vincent perceived that he gained ground more rapidly in her favour; and his company grew every day more agreeable to her taste: he was convinced that, as he possessed her esteem, he should in time secure her affections. "In time," repeated Lady Anne Percival: "you must allow her time, or you will spoil all." It was with some difficulty that Mr.

Heron," he said, when Percival announced his resolve in a somewhat lordly manner; "but I think that in six months' time after the marriage, ye'll just agree with me that your determination was one that could not be entirely carried out." "I usually do carry out my determinations, Mr. Colquhoun," said Percival, hotly. "No doubt, no doubt. It's a determination that reflects credit upon ye, Mr.

It instantly struck Percival Elster, by one of those flashes of conviction that are no less sure than subtle, that Mr. Pike's interest in this watching arose from a fear that the stranger might have been looking after him. Pike continued: "After he had taken his fill of waiting, he came dodging down this way, and I got into conversation with him. He wanted to know who I was.

"She would not talk either; only once she told me that Percival Coolidge had committed suicide. That made me wonder, for I believed he had something to do with my being held there. What did he say when he returned to the auto without me? What explanation did he make for my absence?" "Explanation! He needed none; you came out of the cottage with him." "I? What do you mean?"