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Instead o' fifty thousand genooine plunks we will now perceed to have fifty thousand dollars' worth o' fun the Perfessor's treat, gents. He will now demonstrate his get-away. He is an insect an' to the insects he goes from here. He has stung us an' it is now his turn to git stung. I have grea at pleasure in callin' upon the Perfessor."

Chairman," says he. "They was declared so, but er the voters has gone. I hain't clear how to perceed." "Do your duty, chairman, like you said. Town meetings don't calculate to take account of hoss races, do they? Eh?... None of your affair, is it?" Pilkinton looked at Scattergood, who smiled genially and said: "Duty's duty, Pilkinton.

Nute, calmly, "now that you're with us, Cap'n, and seem to be quieted down a little, I'll perceed to execute the errunt put upon me as chairman of the notification committee." With Mr.

Ef it warn't for that we could spend to-night here, an to-morry I'd take you all to see the fog mill; but, as it is, I rayther think I won't linger here, but perceed on our way." "Where do we go next to Nova Scotia?" "Wal, not jest straight across, but kine o' slantin. We head now for Digby; that's about straight opposite to St. John, an it's as likely a place as any to make inquiries at."

'Spec it don't consarn nobody here; only, as Miss Clorindy's a lady of property, she naterally feels interested in what happens to oder folks wid fortins." Clo bridled, and Dolf said majestically, feeling that he had already a share in her wealth: "In course, in course; perceed, Mr. Othello."

"In consequents o' wot you said, an' more in consequents o' yore clumsy fat fingers not been used to 'andlin' dellikit objex, and most in consequents o' yore been a most ontrustable thief, I will perceed to roll you a fag meself, me been 'ighly competent so fer to do. Not but wot a fag'll look most outer place in your silly great ugly faice."

It was certainly, now," he added piously, "the hand of Providence that led you!" "We are now ready to wote fer the teacher fer William Penn fer the spring term," announced the president of the Board, when all the preliminary business of the meeting had been disposed of; "and before we perceed to that dooty, we will be glad to hear any remarks." The members looked at Mr.

"I should think so," was the dry response. "Help yerself to refreshments." Jounce tapped the bottle with a dirty finger. Keene, however, was wise enough not to indulge. He saw before him but one man, and if treachery was meditated, he believed himself a match for this one easily. "Now, then, perceed." "First, Mr. Jounce, we'd best come to an understanding," declared the disguised detective.

"Sit down, marm, sit down, an I'll perceed ter divest myself uv w'at little information I've got stored up in my noddle.

"Tobe Gryce air jes the man I'm always wantin' ter hear a word about. Jes perceed with yer rat-killin'. I'm with ye." And Luke Todd placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward with an air of attention. Peters looked at him, hardly comprehending this ebullition. It was not what he had expected to elicit. No one laughed. His fleer was wide of the mark.