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On reaching his closet, the king's attendants proceeded to array him in a surcoat of crimson velvet, powdered with garters embroidered in silk and gold, with the motto boni soft qui mal y pense wrought within them.

I asked him his opinion of the salvability of protestants and infallibility of Catholics. "Ecoutez moi," was his reply. "Je pense que ceux qui savent que la Religion Catholique est la vraie Religion et ne la pratiquent pas, seront damnés, mais pour ceux qui ne pensent pas comme nous. Oh non, Señor, ne le croyez pas. Oh mon Dieu! non, non! jamais, jamais!"

Thence to my wife, and calling at both the Exchanges, buying stockings for her and myself, and also at Leadenhall, where she and I, it being candlelight, bought meat for to-morrow, having never a mayde to do it, and I myself bought, while my wife was gone to another shop, a leg of beef, a good one, for six pense, and my wife says is worth my money. So walked home with a woman carrying our things.

While Constanze was at Baden, Mozart was getting deeper and deeper into financial hot water, but his letters betrayed great anxiety that she should not be worried, especially as she was about to become a mother again. J'attend avec beaucoup d'impatience une lettre que m'apprendra comme vous avez passé le jour d'hier; je tremble quand je pense au baigne de St.

She was angry, but Dom João only said 'Por bem, meaning much what his queen's grandfather had meant when he said 'Honi soit qui mal y pense, and to remind the maids of honour, whose waiting-room this was, that they must not tell tales, he had the magpies painted on the ceiling. The two windows, one looking west and one into the pateo, are exactly like those already described.

"Then, sir, have a care that you say none of them under cloak of religion! Honi soit qui mal y pense! The mind that thinketh no evil taketh no evil." Then I turned to Rebecca, standing with a startled look in her eyes. "Rebecca, Madame Radisson has told you how Jack was left to be tortured by the Indians?" "Hortense has told me." "And how he risked his life to save an Indian girl's life?"

The soul will be not ce qu'un vain peuple pense under the new popular tradition, and the savage's theory of the spirit will be, at least in part, based on other than normal and every-day facts. That condition in which the seer acquires information, not otherwise accessible, about events remote in space, is what the mesmerists of the mid-century called 'travelling clairvoyance.

Abercorn was particularly gay in a flowered muslin, dating from the time of William the Fourth, with honi soit qui mal y pense on a blue ribbon worked into the design of the material; a garden hat was tied under her chin and a fur cape lay over her shoulders. No one was present from St.

After all, why should one quarrel with them? Nations, like individuals, have their coats-of-arms, their heraldic insignia, their blazons, and their garters, frequently containing the sharpest sarcasm and most poignant satire upon those who bear them; and in this respect Belgium is only as ridiculous as the attorney who assumed for his mottoFiat justitia.” Time was when the chivalrous line of our own garter, “Honi soit qui mal y pense,” brought with it, its bright associations of kingly courtesy and maiden bashfulness: but what sympathy can such a sentiment find in these degenerate days of railroads and rack-rents, canals, collieries, and chain-bridges?

Clay acknowledged, that, "in this point of view, it might be awkward to live in a conquered country; but if a man has talents to make himself agreeable to the powers that be, and money in his purse, that can never touch him, chacun pour soi et honi soit qui mal y pense." "Is it in England! Oh! can it be in England, and from an Englishman, that I hear such sentiments!" exclaimed Count Altenberg.