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Keep it up. It'll fool everybody for a while. They'll think, maybe, that what you did for L.H. was because he was your personal friend. They won't suspect that you're now one of us. Adios, "'J.S." Silent waited for the effect of this missive to show in Morris's face. "Supposin' they was to read a letter like that, Gus. D'you think maybe it'd sort of peeve them?"

And you've been seeing Telly shows all your life showing how an orderly conducts himself in the presence of his superior." Joe took another pull and yawned. "Well, forget about it. With any man who goes into a fracas with me, I like to be on close terms. When things pickle, I want him to be on my side, not nursing some peeve brought on by his officer trying to give him an inferiority complex."

I don't believe you'll ever be able to peeve that boy by telling him he's good." The girl glanced up defensively as they walked. "Now don't get the idea he's conceited, because he ain't. Not one bit." "How do you know he ain't?" She considered this, then explained brightly, "Because I wouldn't like him if he was. No, no now you listen here" as Baird had grinned.

He's made his little wad too easily, and easy money never did any man any good. So I wanted to teach him that business is business, and if I could take his roll away from him I was going to do it. Of course, Skinner, I need not remind you that I would have loaned him the next minute, without interest and without security, every cent I'd taken from him in this deal " "But why peeve over it, Mr.

They wanted blood, lots of it, and they identified with the winning side. Joe Mauser wasn't particularly bitter about this aspect. It was part of his way of life. In fact, his pet peeve was the real buff. The type, man or woman, who could remember every fracas you'd ever been in, every time you'd copped one, and how long you'd been in the hospital.

The wounded man stirred and groaned faintly. She called: "Lie down, Butch; I'm busy. Go on, Bard." "If you keep a mirror it's a wall decoration not for personal use." "Maybe this is an old method, Bard; but around this place it'd be a quick way of gettin' shot." "Angry?" "You'd peeve a mule." "This was only an introduction.

"No; nor the Eves of Cambridge, nor the Serpents of Eton, nor the Angels of Harrow." "I suppose " began Bones. "Nor are my relations on speaking terms with them. They don't know the Adamses, nor the Cains, nor the Abels, nor the Moseses, nor the Noahs." "That's all I wanted to know, sir," said an injured Bones. "There's no need to peeve, sir."

"Why, Carrie, he's one of the biggest men in the country! Boston just eats out of his hand!" "I wonder if it does? How do we know but that in Boston, among well-bred people, he may be regarded as an absolute lout? The way he calls women 'Sister, and the way " "Now look here! That'll do! Of course I know you don't mean it you're simply hot and tired, and trying to work off your peeve on me.

And you know she can't hit you. You're a good fighter, but I notice you don't hit Peter Knight or Charleton Falkner, any time they peeve you a little. It was all right to lick me and Jude when we were little. But now I warn you. I'm going to hit back. And you got to leave Judith and her mother alone." John Spencer stood staring at his son. Twice he raised his heavy fist to strike him.

In revenge he borrowed what money Laramie had not much in all and went back in bad humor. With the peeve of defeated men, the Sleepy Cat sports called for more horse racing to retrieve their fortunes only to lose what money they had left and suffer fresh jeering from Van Horn and his following.