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It is almost impossible to go through the narrow streets of Benares in the middle of the day, because they are so crowded with men, women, children, priests, pilgrims, peddlers, beggars, mangy dogs, sacred cows, fat and lazy bulls dedicated to Siva, and other animate and inanimate obstructions. It seems to be the custom for people to live and work in the streets.

Instead of tripping along as she had always done, she now dragged herself painfully from room to room, and seemed not even to care how she looked, for the peddlers in vain spread out their ribbons and corsets and bottles of scent before her; she never bought anything from them now. At the end of January, the heavy clouds came across the sea from the north, and there was a heavy fall of snow.

Hyacinthus, for that is the eunuch's name, instead of choosing for a home any one of a dozen desirable neighborhoods well within his means with the liberal allowance Quadratus gave him, settled in a peculiarly vile slum, because, as he said, his associates mostly lived there; meaning by his associates the votaries of some sort of Syrian cult, chiefly peddlers and such, living like ants or maggots, all packed together in the rookeries of that quarter.

"Hah!" said the Colonel. "A good character, my man, is a fine thing. Now, what about strangers people from the town peddlers, or hawkers, or people with books to be subscribed for? You have such people come, I suppose, to the house?" "Lots of them, sir; but they never come any farther than the door," cried Wrench, laughing.

The great thoroughfares roared with the rush of commerce. Shopkeepers, peddlers, mountebanks, quack doctors, pedestrians rushing to and fro, all reminded the lads of the lower part of the big city on Manhattan island. The theaters and public places of amusement are situated in this part of Peking.

"I want to 'phone for a automobile to come down an' snake us up town in style. This syndicate ain't a-goin' to come rampin' home to Gawd's country lookin' like a lot o' Eyetalian peddlers. We're goin' to the best hotel an' we're goin' in style." McGuffey nudged Captain Scraggs, and Neils Halvorsen nudged Mr. McGuffey. "Hay bane a sport, hay bane," rumbled the honest Neils.

We used to speak of him as Big Max to distinguish him from a Little Max, till one day a peddler who was a good chess-player and was then studying algebra changed the two names to "Maximum Max" and "Minimum Max," which the other peddlers pronounced "Maxie Max" and "Minnie Max."

It is a land of flowers. Consider the roll-call of its painters who their life long produced naught but fruit and flower pieces. Their canvases are faded, the colours oxidised, but on the highways and by-ways the miracle is daily renewed flowers bloom at every corner, fill the window-boxes of residences, crowd the hotel balconies, and are bunched in the hands of the peddlers.

Furnaces and foundries use wood, and make fuel dear. Trade should be entirely free, but peddlers are nuisances, and interfere with regular shop-keepers. Manufactures are a source of wealth, but dangerous unless well managed; none of them should be established without the consent of the Provincial Estates. T., Comminges, A. P., iii 27, Section 24. St-Jean-des-Agneaux, A. P., iii. 65, Section 4.

But, among these fading remainders of a previous state of things, are some very modern forms of life, looking like Yankee peddlers among a tribe of red Indians.