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"I own it was an impertinent question." "Not at all, sir," says she; "and if you are one of those who imagine women incapable of learning, I shall not be offended at it. I know the common opinion; but Interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat." "If I was to profess such an opinion, madam," said the doctor, "Madam Dacier and yourself would bear testimony against me.

Ubi peccat in uno, periclitatur in altero. But because there is, in man, an election touching the frame of his mind, and a necessity in the frame of his body, the stars of natural inclination are sometimes obscured, by the sun of discipline and virtue. Therefore it is good to consider of deformity, not as a sign, which is more deceivable; but as a cause, which seldom faileth of the effect.

Qui ius iurandum servat, quovis pervenit. Ubi peccat aetas maior, male discit minor. I have quoted these to show that Roman children were not without opportunity even in early schooldays of laying to heart much that might lead them to good and generous conduct in later life, as well as to practical wisdom.

Quis quid peccat, in eo punitur he who sins will be punished by his sin! I sinned in teaching that monster to strike fire. It has made us lose four more hours." The four hours were of some consequence to the fugitive maid and Ludwig Vavel.

"I own it was an impertinent question." "Not at all, sir," says she; "and if you are one of those who imagine women incapable of learning, I shall not be offended at it. I know the common opinion; but Interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat." "If I was to profess such an opinion, madam," said the doctor, "Madam Dacier and yourself would bear testimony against me.

They are sometimes in the right, sometimes in the wrong. Their judgement is a mere lottery. Est ubi plebs recte putat, est ubi peccat. HORACE says it of the Vulgar, judging Poesy. "But I come now to the Inference of your first argument. This last is, indeed, the Representation of Nature; but 'tis Nature wrought up to an higher pitch.

When Lord John declined taking any more, his host exclaimed: 'Do you not know the syllogism, "Qui bene bibit, bene dormit; qui bene dormit, non peccat; qui non peccat, salvatus erit"? At this stage Lord John found it necessary to hire a servant who was capable of acting as guide.

If a man has done wrong he sits condemned that self-same moment. Illo nocens se damnat quo peccat die. There is no need of God, angel or devil, to announce the fact or deliver judgment; the man has pronounced his own sentence, executed judgment on himself.

As a matter of fact the Stoic had only scorn for naturalism. Physical man was to him a creature to be chained. Trust not the "scelerata pulpa; peccat et haec, peccat!" cries Persius in terror. The earlier naïve animism of Greece and Rome had contained more of aesthetic value, for it was the very spring from which had flowed all the wealth of ancient myths.

He took a pen and noted the name down, and said, "But Tassoni has criticised Petrarch very ingeniously." "Yes, but he has dishonoured taste and literature, like Muratori." "Here he is. You must allow that his learning is immense." "Est ubi peccat." Voltaire opened a door, and I saw a hundred great files full of papers. "That's my correspondence," said he.