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"Why, certainly, Lady Patterdale; I shall be only too delighted. Is that the reason of the war paint?" She laughed a jolly, unaffected laugh. "My 'usband always likes me to wear this when we're took. Thinks it looks better in a 'ospital." As Vane stepped through the door with her he caught a fleeting glimpse of officers disappearing rapidly in all directions.

"Commit myself!" exclaimed Donald, with a look of contempt, which, in this connection, was sublime. "I mean to speak the truth, whether I am committed or not." "Perhaps you will be able to clear this thing up," added Captain Patterdale. "I wish to ask you a few questions." "I will answer them truly. The only wrong I have done was to conceal what I thought there was no harm in concealing."

Laud did not say how he happened to know that the tin box had been stolen, for Captain Patterdale, the deputy sheriff, and Nellie were supposed to be the only persons who had any knowledge of the fact.

"I hope you are going to honor the gallant yachtmen with your presence, Miss Patterdale." "I shall certainly see the race. Good morning, Don John," said she, when she came within speaking distance of Donald.

It's hopelessly unfashionable not to do war work of some sort, and this suits them down to the ground. . . . Why the Queen visited Rumfold the other day and congratulated Lady Patterdale on her magnificent arrangements." There was a mocking glint in her eyes, otherwise her face was perfectly serious. "You don't say so." Vane gazed at her in amazement.

Delightful excursions may be made from Grasmere into Langdale and Patterdale, and the ascent from Grasmere to the top of Helvellyn, to Langdale Pikes, and to Dunmail Raise will be events not easily to be forgotten. A heap of stones on the summit of Dunmail Raise marks the site of a conflict in 945 between Dunmail, King of Cumberland, and Edmund, the Saxon King.

Montague and Captain Patterdale only laughed, but they were sufficiently interested to go on deck in spite of the pouring rain, and they were followed by many others. "Time!" shouted Sam Rodman, as the gun was fired. "Four, thirty-two, ten," added Frank Norwood; and the figures were entered upon the schedule. The Sea Foam passed the judges' yacht, came about, and went under her stern.

"It pays promptly; and that's more than all of them do," added Leach, drawing his wallet from his pocket. "I haven't your note by me, Mr. Leach," said Captain Patterdale; but he did not consider it necessary to state that the important document was at that moment in the tin box, wherever the said tin box might be.

The business of the race was finished, and the Maud conveyed Captain Patterdale, his daughter, and Donald to the shore. Laud Cavendish was in the Juno, and so was Hasbrook; but none of the party knew what had transpired at Saturday Cove during the forenoon. "I will be at your house in half an hour, Captain Patterdale," said Donald, as they landed.

"What did he pay for her?" inquired Captain Patterdale. "Three hundred and fifty dollars," answered Donald, who hoped he would not be asked of whom Laud had bought the Juno. The captain did not ask the question, for it seemed to be self-evident that he had purchased her of Captain Shivernock. Indeed, nothing more was said about the matter.