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Most of these present soldiers soldiers posing, soldiers exchanging international handgrips, soldiers grouped round a massive and décolletée lady in flowing robes, and declaring that La patrie sera libre! Underneath this last, Private Ogg has written: "Dear Lizzie, I hope this finds you well as it leaves me so. I send you a French p.c. The writing means long live the Queen of France."

At Neuilly-sur-Marne and Bondy, it is said, earthworks are being thrown up; and it is supposed that Chelles will, as the Americans say, be the objective point of any movement which may take place in that direction. The Patrie has been suspended for three days for alluding to military operations. It did more than allude, it ventured to doubt the wisdom of our generals.

During the ceremony of the inauguration, the "Marseillaise" was sung by the National Guard and the people, and, at its conclusion, about the hour of three, the troops filed off before the Column of July to the thrilling strains of the "Marseillaise" and the "Mourir Pour la Patrie" of the Girondins.

Herein he has already envisaged the importance of that "patrie intellectuelle" which Tocqueville emphasized as born of the Revolution. That led Burke once again to insist upon the peculiar genius of each separate state, the difficulties of a change, the danger of grafting novelties upon an ancient fabric.

If Andre thinks it is his duty to fight for England, it may be mad, but it is fine, all the same. Yesterday, in the street, I sang the Marseillaise with the rest. 'Amour sacre de la Patrie. Eh bien! There are other countries besides France. Do you deny that the amour sacre exists for the Englishman?" Andrew rose and gravely took Elodie's face in his delicate hands and kissed her.

One after another came these strains which he had taken from the operas famous in their day, until at length the padre was murmuring to some music seldom long out of his heart not the Latin verse which the choir sang, but the original French words: "Ah, voile man envie, Voila mon seul desir: Rendez moi ma patrie, Ou laissez moi mourir."

These rusty spades were to me a tragic symbol, not only of the endless, heart-wearing labour which had produced those trenched hillsides, but also of that irony of things, by which that very labour which protected the mysterious and spiritual thing which the Frenchman calls patrie, was at the same time ruining and sterilising the material base from which it springs the soil, which the Frenchman loves with an understanding tenacity, such as perhaps inspires no other countryman in the world.

Other people might celebrate saints dead and gone, and drink to 'La Patrie', and cry "Vive Napoleon!" or "Vive la Republique!" or "Vive la Reine!" though this last toast of the Empire was none too common but he could only drink with real sincerity to the health of Sebastian Dolores, which was himself. Sebastian Dolores was the pure anarchist, the most complete of monomaniacs.

In Louis Napoleon Bonaparte her blood and mine commingle. Restez-vous, mon patrie; Napoleon shall decide aright. No, petit garçon, Napoleon le Grand will place you upon the highest pinnacle of peace. Fate is inexorable. The decrees of destiny are more potent than the wisdom of man. France and Napoleon are indissoluble. The star of Bonaparte is destined to shine yet for the next half-century.

Them it behoved to suffer and they would do it again cheerfully, for it was, as he had said, for la Patrie.