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"I must give you some books, some reports to read, I see," she said, laughing up into his face. "Evidently," said her father, "if I am to live with you." "I wonder what Captain Jack would think of these views," said Rupert, dropping into step with Patricia as they left the dining room together. "He will think as Adrien does," said Patricia stoutly.

"I've always been perfectly crazy to know an engaged couple and I never have except Mr. Bingham and Miss Auborn, and they weren't so very interesting anyway." "They won't be of much use to you if they do get engaged," returned Miss Jinny sententiously. "'Two's company' after the ring appears." "David says they're slushy," pursued Patricia, meditating. "But he's only a boy."

Patricia was not in when Joan reached her rooms they were small, dim rooms and rather cluttered. Sitting alone, waiting, Joan thought of Patricia more intimately than she often did. She recalled what Sylvia had told of her; remembered the warnings, and her eyes dimmed.

She visited her that night at the period of hair-brushing and found her dreaming before a dying fire. "You get up too early," Constantia remonstrated, "it's a pernicious habit. If you would come and stay with me in London, I would teach you to keep rational hours." "Would you have me, really?" cried Patricia, sitting bolt upright, with every sense alert to seize so good an opportunity of escape.

"I've lost her in this confounded mob. Find her for me. I've got my reading-glasses on, and I can't see anything. Why don't they have this barn of a place lighted up?" "Stand still right where you are," Blount directed, and a moment later he had found Patricia guarding a pair of suit-cases which were too heavy for her to carry. "You poor lost child!" was his burbled greeting.

Besides," she added, "I promised Madame Milano I would only come home once a week, and as I've been here today, I couldn't very well come tomorrow again." "Been here today?" echoed Judith, shaken out of herself by this unexpected reasoning. "You've barely stopped five minutes, and you haven't taken off your hat!" Patricia looked as nearly sulky as she could ever manage to be.

Dave Cowan watched them along the path to the ridge above the camp. Here they paused in most intelligible pantomime. Patricia Whipple wished to descend to the very heart of the camp, while Juliana could be seen informing the child that they were near enough.

Don't you remember his first tooth why, we were as proud of him, you and I, as if there had never been a tooth before in all the history of the world! Don't you remember the first day he walked? Why, he staggered a great distance oh, nearly two yards! and caught hold of my hand, and laughed and turned back to you. You didn't run away from him then, Patricia. Are you going to do it now?"

I noticed she was not inclined to conversation." It had just occurred to him, as mildly remarkable, that Patricia had never at any time alluded to any one of those countless men who must have inevitably made love to her. "Though, mind you, I don't say anything against Joe. He's a fine young fellow. Paid his own way through college. Done good work in Panama and in Alaska too.

"But, you know, the poor kid after all hasn't any form," the convalescent Merle announced to Patricia when they were seated. "He has nice hair and teeth," said the girl, looking far ahead as the car moved off. "Oh, hair teeth!" murmured Merle, loftily careless, as one possessing hair and teeth of his own. "I'm talking about golf." "He lines 'em out," said Patricia, cattishly.