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We were to start in two swift canoes piraguas, he styled them and, keeping at first under the lee of the shore, follow the river to its mouth, then proceed up the coast along the safe passage afforded by an outlying chain of islands.

There was another one there this afternoon, said he was a journalist, making sketches of the passage and asking me no end of questions. He wasn't no journalist, I'll swear to that. I asked him about his paper. 'Half-a-dozen, he declared. 'They're all glad to have what I send them. Journalist!

This vain hope nothing had as yet had the power to shake neither travels, nor useless researches, nor the passage of time. This is why this evening she awaited her father with the firm resolution of knowing all that he had to tell. Mr. Darrien entered. He was followed by a young gentleman, whom he presented to her in the following words: "My daughter, this is Mr.

It is evident, therefore, that competent military men on the spot, and in full possession of all the facts, considered, as did Farragut, that with the passage of the forts by the fleet the material probabilities of success became in favor of the United States forces.

I shall look anxiously for these references in the third edition of the "Genesis of Species." For the present, all I can say is, that I have sought in vain, either in the fifteenth Disputation, or elsewhere, for any passage in Suarez's writings which, in the slightest degree, bears out Mr.

Webster spoke at the New York dinner in 1831, he gave his hearers to understand very clearly that the nullification agitation was not at an end, and after the passage of the new tariff bill he saw close at hand the danger which he had predicted.

Scott knew, too, as well as the rest of the world, that Miss Martyn had come out to India four years ago to keep house for her brother, who, as every one knew, had borrowed the money to pay for her passage, and that she ought, as all the world said, to have married at once.

"See," she cried, "there is a secret passage marked on this." Locke studied the plan for some time, but whoever had drawn it had carefully concealed both the exact location of the passage and the method by which it was reached. As he searched, however, an idea occurred to Locke. "I'll rig a trap with a camera," he decided, finally.

I now turn to a more specific consideration of the subject of Cotton Mather's connection with the Witchcraft delusion of 1692. I am charged with having misrepresented the part Cotton Mather, in particular, bore in this passage of our history.

The retreating Spaniards had made their way through a narrow passage, where a roughly-constructed causeway of planks had enabled the infantry to cross the waters almost in single file, while the cavalry had floundered through as best they might.