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His companion was about the same age, but the latter had made so much better use of his growing years, as to have shot up to something more than six feet in height; yet his figure, though slender, exhibited no appearance of weakness. His features were passably good the nose perhaps rather too projecting; but his teeth were unexceptionable.

There were some of the young ladies, though, for whom I felt no liking Miss Pearl Pennington, who plays light leads, and her friend, Miss Laura Dixon, the ingenue." "They were in vaudeville until recently," remarked Alice. "So Russ told me. Miss Pennington seemed very pretty." "Passably so," agreed Mr. DeVere. "Well, our living problem is solved for us, anyway. Now I must study my new part.

A girl who is passably pretty can almost always get a situation here. The big-armed prize-fighter-looking brute behind the bar reads our wanderer's history at once. 'Fresh' girls are rare in that quarter.

The first thing Voltaire had to master in England was the language, and this he did passably inside of three months.

In one of these the nymphs Florida and Clois court the affections of the loveless hero. We are here, it is true, as far as ever from the delicate rusticity of Lorenzo de' Medici, and not particularly near to the humour of the Athenian rustics, but for burlesque it is passably amusing.

We had to know how to build fires in the driving rain, too, out of wet wood, when we camped out, which was the hardest thing of all except grammar, I do believe. We learned more from Dad and Von than from the governesses; Dad taught us French and Von German. We learned both languages passably well, and we learned them wholly in the saddle or in camp.

"In going downstairs the first time I found an unexpected difficulty because I could not see my feet; indeed I stumbled twice, and there was an unaccustomed clumsiness in gripping the bolt. By not looking down, however, I managed to walk on the level passably well. "My mood, I say, was one of exaltation.

In the article of wine, however, Bohemia is not so favoured; but this is a circumstance more felt by the stranger than by the natives, who like the wines of their own country, as they do the beer better than our ale and porter. Still, there are some passably good wines, such as Melnik, Czerniska, and one or two others, and all at a moderate price, varying from 8d. to 1s. a bottle.

She could not realize that the Society idea of quaintness is anything which does not passably imitate or become one of itself. "Interesting yes, I certainly think he is. This room alone would show that, wouldn't it?" "Oh, well, I don't know so much about that. He'd have this sort of room anywhere, wherever he lived.

Shaking off old prejudices now, such a procession as that of some four hundred passably ugly men carrying their tapers in open daylight, Diogenes-fashion, as if they were looking for a lost quattrino, would make a merry spectacle for the Feast of Fools." "Blaspheme not against the usages of our city," said Pietro Cennini, much offended.