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You must have self-control, courage, dash, judgment If you have not kept up, if you are not equal to the test, your inefficiency will mean your shame and your country's suffering; while efficiency means a clear conscience and your country's security." Thus Partow turned the balance on the side of filial affection. He kept watch of the boy, but without favoring him with influence.

It is they, now, who will be singing 'God with us! with their backs against the wall. With Partow's goes my own appeal to the army and the nation; and I shall keep faith with Partow, with Miss Galland, and with my own ideas, if the government orders the army to advance, by resigning as chief of staff my work finished."

That's the kind of soldier I like," Partow declared with change of tone, and he rose from his chair with a spring that was a delight to Lanstron in its proof of the physical vigor so stoutly denied. "We have a lot to say to each other to-day," he added; "but first I am going to show you the whole bag of tricks."

"All that I wanted of the body was to feed my brain," Partow continued, heedless of the interruption. "I have watched my mind as a navigator watches a barometer. I have been ready at the first sign that it was losing its grip to give up.

Galland and Minna saw her ghostlike as she passed through the living-room, their startled questions unheeded. Could it be true that she had betrayed every decent attribute of a woman in vain? Why had the counter-attack failed? Because Westerling had been too strong, too clever, for old Partow? Because God was still with the heaviest battalions?

"A woman was the ideal one for the task we intrusted to Feller," he mused, "a gentlewoman, big enough, adroit enough, with her soul in the work as no paid woman's could be! There seemed no such one in the world!" "But to let her do it!" gasped Lanstron. "It is her suggestion, not yours? She offers herself? She wants no persuasion?" Partow asked sharply. "Entirely her suggestion," said Lanstron.

Sometimes I get conviction by probing another mans." Lanstron was at his best, for his own conviction was intense. "Of course they will go in for secrecy; but our case is different," he began. Partow settled himself to listen with the gift of the organizer who draws from his informant the brevity of essentials. "I should take the people into our confidence," Lanstron proceeded.

Yes, when it is stalemate, when it is proved that the science of modern defence has made the weak so strong that superior numbers cannot play the bully, then shall we have peace in practice!" "My children's prayer and Partow in the same gallery!" she laughed stonily. "The peace of armament, not of man's superiority to the tiger and the tarantula! And you say it all so calmly.

"But what about the indemnity?" demanded the finance minister. He was thinking of victory in the form of piles of gold in the treasury. This question, too, was answered. "War has never brought prosperity," Partow had written. "Its purpose is to destroy, and destruction can never be construction.

Peculiarly human, peculiarly dictatorial, dynamic, and inscrutable was Partow, who never asked any one under him to work harder than himself. Lanstron appeared in the presence of Jove shortly after eight o'clock the next morning after he left La Tir. Jove rolled his big head on his short neck in a nod and said: "Late!" "The train was late, sir!" "And you have disobeyed orders!" grumbled Partow.