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From this region, after some difficulty and delay, the parlour-maid produced the W-Z volume of an Encyclopaedia and, in deference to the fact that the demand for it had come from Miss Van Vluyck, laid the ponderous tome before her.

A few moments later the door opened. Jimmy looked up. It was not his father. It was a dangerous-looking female of uncertain age, dressed as a parlour-maid, who eyed him with what seemed to his conscience-stricken soul dislike and suspicion. She had a tight-lipped mouth and beady eyes beneath heavy brows. Jimmy had seldom seen a woman who attracted him less at first sight. "Jer ring, S'?"

Cicely kissed him gratefully, and they sat down at the table. The dining-room was Sheraton good Sheraton. On the walls were a plain blue paper and some more prints. The silver and glass on the fresh cloth and on the sideboard were as bright as possible, for Muriel's parlour-maid was a treasure.

Trembling with excitement and keeping back genuine tears for Amaryllis, a guest to serve whom had been pleasure, the parlour-maid fetched him cold meat, bread and beer. When he had changed his clothes, he ate hastily in the hall, swallowing doggedly what he could not taste. "Twenty-five minutes they'll be in town. Another fifteen and the wires'll be humming," he calculated.

But what fellows like me don't understand is the great comfortable, satisfied middle-class world, the folk that live in villas and suburbs. He doesn't know how they look at things, he doesn't understand their conventions, and he is as shy of them as of a black mamba. When a trim parlour-maid opened the door, I could hardly find my voice. I asked for Mr Appleton, and was ushered in.

"But surely you've been helping him to finish it you wanted it finished," she exclaimed. "Yes, but not published," said the man. The girl's next eager question was cut short by the entrance of the parlour-maid with the morning's letters; and after her came Theophilus Caldegard. His person was as unlike the popular conception of a man of science as can well be imagined.

Bent glanced from it to Brereton with a look of surprise. "Mr. Christopher Pett!" he exclaimed. "What on earth does he want me for? Bring Mr. Pett in here, anyway," he continued, turning to the parlour-maid. "Is he alone? or is Miss Pett with him?" "The police-superintendent's with him, sir," answered the girl. "They said could they see you and Mr. Brereton for half an hour, on business?"

'I am glad to have some one to sit opposite to me and tell me home news, and they met at the station, she having been on an expedition on her own account, so that they drove home together. No sooner were they within the house door than the parlour-maid began, 'That man has been here again, ma'am. 'What, Jones? said Bertha, in evident annoyance.

Nevertheless, it was with a sinking heart and an unsteady hand that he pulled the visitors' bell at the Futvoyes' house that afternoon, for he neither knew in what state he should find that afflicted family, nor how they would regard his intrusion at such a time. Jessie, the neat and pretty parlour-maid, opened the door with a smile of welcome which Horace found reassuring.

Everybody would know it! I doubt whether that must not be one of the bitterest drops in the cup which a girl in such circumstances is made to drain. Lily perceived early in the day that the parlour-maid well knew that she had been jilted. The girl's manner was intended to convey sympathy; but it did convey pity; and Lily for a moment felt angry.