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"On parle d'un poisson de mer qui, sortant de l'eau, monte sur la cocotier et boit le suc de la plante; ensuite il retourne á la mer."

"Cette definition, que nous traduisons litteralement, n'est pas lumineuse; elle conviendrait egalement a la maniere dont Alexandre parle et agit dans Plutarque, et a celle dont Sancho parle et agit dans Cervantes. II y a apparence que l'humour est comme l'esprit, et que ceux qui en ont le plus ne savent pas trop bien ce que c'est.

But Bertillon's new portrait parle is the thing for apprehension." "What is it?" I asked. "Well, take the case before us. We have had no chance to finger- print that woman and what good would it do if we had? No one could recognize her that way until she was arrested or some means had been taken to get the prints again.

"It is a disgusting den," added the General, "with 'Ici on parle Francais' in the window, and people hanging about among whom I did not fancy taking the boy." "I know the place," said Miss Mohun. "Strange to say, it produces rather a nice girl, under the compulsion of the school officer. She is plainly half a foreigner, and when Mr.

Après avoir parlé du passage par mer et du passage composé de terre et de mer, Brochard examine celui qui auroit lieu entièrement par terre. Ce dernier traverse l'Allemagne, la Hongrie et la Bulgarie. Ce fut celui qu'

There was a boy of four or five years old clinging to his mother's gown, and Clarissa's heart yearned to the child. He had Austin's face. It would be easy to love him, she thought. "Mr. Austin is in his paintin'-room, madame," said the wife, putting on a kind of company manner. "Did you wish to see him about a picture? Je parle tres poo de Francais, mais si "

Qui parle d'amour, fait l'amour: temptation comes to the woman who thinks about being tempted. Now, I want to give her something to think about that shall lead her out of the thoughts of temptation which I suppose come naturally to a daughter of Eve the first woman who thought about temptation and was therefore tempted.

In short," Craig concluded enthusiastically, "it is what you might call the Bertillon measurement, the finger- print, the portrait parle of the human voice!" Incredible as it seemed, we were forced to believe, for there on the table lay the graphic evidence which he had just so painstakingly interpreted. "Who was it?" asked Carton breathlessly. Kennedy picked up another microphotograph.

The great John unbent to an inconceivable degree; he was soft, engaging even, and in a bright and constant good humour. The family consisted of the mother, two daughters, and the son, moi qui vous parle all of whom looked to him with a sort of awe and reverence, which was not unpleasing to him.

Desiring to replace a broken watch-key I found a repair shop and endeavored to make my inquiries in Russian. "Monsieur parle le Francais, je crois," was the response to my attempt, and greatly facilitated the transaction of business. Before I left New York an acquaintance showed me a photograph of a Siberian, who proved to be the watchmaker thus encountered.