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Waggon after waggon, laden with comestibles, filed slowly into the park. The rushing to and fro of waiters and other attendants showed that they expected a busy day of it. As noon approached, train after train deposited at the Aston station hundreds and thousands of gaily-attired Black Country people.

" and long ago I really saw it, the day we walked in the Park and I was wicked about trying to make you call me 'Eltruda' oh, Carl dear, indeed you needn't call me that or anything you don't like and I tried to make you say I had a temperament. And about Adelaide and all.

There is a big court for the convalescents, and in the spring they will have the run of the park. About the twelfth we had a couple of days of the worst cannonading since October. It was very trying. I stood hours on the lawn listening, but it was not for several days that we knew there had been a terrible battle at Soissons, just forty miles north of us.

Every basement entrance was locked and bolted for the night and all the windows were dark. "She's given us the slip," said Stone, in deep chagrin. "But perhaps she crossed the street. Maybe she didn't run down this side very far. Let's go over." We crossed and looked over the stone wall of the park. Surely Vicky Van had not had time to scramble over that wall before we reached the corner.

Wait till Jones is well again, and let us play this thing off again for anything you like a side in my private park. Mr Dodson reflected. 'You're on, he said. 'What side bet? A million? Two million? Three? Mr Rackstraw shook his head scornfully. 'A million? Who wants a million? I'll put up my Bloomer boot against your Meredith ball. Does that go?

I often waited on the Lord Wenman at his house, Thame Park, about two miles from Crowell, where I lived; to whose favour I held myself entitled in a twofold respect, both as my mother was nearly related to his lady, and as he had been pleased to bestow his name upon me, when he made large promises for me at the font.

In half an hour she found herself in Regent's Park and, having dismissed her cab, wandered about amongst the trees. The whole place was flooded with sunshine. There were no flowers visible; the season had been too bad, and the year was yet too young; but for all that, nature seemed to be awake and listening.

She saw the postman emerge from beneath the bare boughs of the park trees, come through the wicket, dive through the shrubbery, reappear on the lawn, stalk across it without reference to paths as country postmen do and come to the porch. She heard him fling the bag down on the seat, and turn away towards the village, without hindering himself for a single pace.

"I have seen his Royal Highness on horseback, at a review of the Guards, in Hyde Park," says Mr. Franklin. "The Duke is indeed a very fine gentleman on horseback." "You shall drink his health to-day, Postmaster. He is the best of masters, the best of friends, the best of sons to his royal old father; the best of gentlemen that ever wore an epaulet."

His only wish was to be suffered to end his troubled life at Althorpe; and he would be content to forfeit his head if ever he went beyond the palings of his park. While the House of Commons, which had been elected during the vacancy of the throne, was busily engaged in the work of proscription, he could not venture to show himself in England.