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He was answered with a varied chorus of "Parfaitement, mon General . . . . C'est juste. . . . Parbleu, c'est connu. . . ." Everybody was satisfied. The three left the cafe together, followed by cries of "Bonne chance." Outside they linked arms, the general in the middle. The three rusty cocked hats worn en bataille with a sinister forward slant barred the narrow street nearly right across.

Queen-Regent or no Queen-Regent, I am mistress at Condillac; my word is the only law we know, and I intend that so it shall continue." Tressan looked at her in surprise. This unreasoning, feminine obstinacy so wrought upon him that he permitted himself a smile and a lapse into irony and banter. "Parfaitement," said he, spreading his hands, and bowing. "Why speak of trouble, then?"

"Mais non," he retorted, annoyed at my dullness to comprehend. "We were saved comprenez-vous? for there, to starboard, lay Su-Tum-Tum as plain as a sheep's nose." "England? Impossible!" I returned. "Mais parfaitement!" he declared, with a hopeless gesture. "Su-Tum-Tum," he reiterated slowly for my benefit. "Never heard of it," I replied.

Bursting into tears Carrie answered, "Forgive me, father, but he said he had no bill against me; he made no charge." "But she gave me von big, large mitten," said the Frenchman, "when she see this man, who has more l'argent; but no difference, no difference, sar, this gentleman," bowing toward Ashmore, "parfaitement delighted to pay it."

I shall quote from his letters in their order according to dates. WATERLOO PLACE, KEW. Lundi soir. "Mr. Macmillan m'a recu parfaitement, presque affectueusement; il m'a invite a diner. Je suis alle voir Mr. Seeley, mon nouvel editeur, que j'ai trouve intelligent, comme il faut, jeune encore, et parfaitement cordial. "L'exposition, en somme, est belle.

"I own," wrote Selwyn, "that to see Charles closeted every instant at Brooks's by one or other, that he can neither punt or deal for a quarter of an hour but he is obliged to give an audience, while Hare is whispering and standing behind him, like Jack Robinson, with a pencil and paper for mems., is to me a scene la plus parfaitement que l'on puisse imaginer, and to nobody it seems more risible than to Charles himself."

As she will look upon you as her son, I desire that you will look upon her as my delegate: trust, consult, and apply to her without reserve. No woman ever had more than she has, 'le ton de la parfaitement bonne compagnie, les manieres engageantes, et le je ne sais quoi qui plait'. Desire her to reprove and correct any, and every the least error and inaccuracy in your manners, air, address, etc.

Je sens parfaitement bien, que la Celebrité de Votre nom ainsi que l'amitié dont Vous m'honorez, exigeroient de moi la dédicace d'un bien plus important ouvrage. La seule chose qui a pu me déterminer

Decidedly either head would be a bad block for the other's wig to repose on. "It would be more sensible to acquire a wig together, and draw lots for it," said Madame Dépine. The "Princess's" eyes rekindled. "Yes, and then save up again to buy the loser a wig." "Parfaitement" said Madame Dépine. They had slid out of pretending that they had large sums immediately available.

Papa said it was like a green-room, only not half so amusing. They talked in one corner as openly as you might speak of the Prince Imperial, about Mademoiselle Schneider's child. There were women of the company whose liaisons are as well known as their faces, and yet they were parfaitement bien reçues!