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"It's a woman's word, I daresay, Colin," said he; "but there's no man, I'll swear, turning it over more often in his mind than yourself." Where we lay, the Pap of Glencoe Sgor-na-ciche, as they call it in the Gaelic loomed across Loch Leven in wisps of wind-blown grey. Long-beaked birds came to the sand and piped a sharp and anxious note, or chattered like children.

She had tied her bonnet and fastened her shawl, and stood ready to go. "Is that all you want?" he demanded. "Are you waiting to hear that your work is well done? Women go through life as babies learn to walk, a mouthful of pap every step, only they take it in praise or love. Pap is better. Which do you want? Praise, I fancy." "Neither," she said, quietly brushing her shawl.

Git on your mule at onct." The teamster did as he was bid, and drove on till they came up to where the boys were sitting on a fence-corner waiting for them. Si had a brace of chickens tied together by the feet, and Shorty a crock of honey in the comb, with a bag of saleratus biscuits and one of cornmeal, and a number of strings of dried apples. "Bin waitin' for you a good while, Pap.

"Pap," said the girl, urgently, "the baby ain't fit to go to the mill to-night if ever she ought. You said that you'd get day work for them all. If you won't do that, let Deanie stay home for a spell. She sure enough isn't fit to work." Himes faced his stepdaughter angrily. "When I say a child's fitten to work it's fitten to work," he rounded on her. "I hain't axed your opinion have I? No.

"Now what in time," he wanted to know, "is the matter with those two precious old lunatics? Why, Pap Trumbull and Dad Endby are both over eighty. Dad's so twisted with rheumatism that he couldn't bend to pick up his pipe if he dropped it. And Pap's got asthma so bad that it's all he can do to draw his breath on the installment plan.

"Glad to make your acquaintance," said he to Pap, whom he had never seen before. "Air ye? You wa'n't expectin' me, surely?" "Certainly," replied the doctor, impatiently. "What man wouldn't come under such circumstances?" "Is there much danger?" said Pap, anxiously. "The child is as ill as she can be." "I meant fer me." "Great Scot! If you feel like that you'd better not go in."

It was the pillaging beginning afresh; life and hope were again being stolen from Paris. And this time, as the doctor said, a double murder was threatened; for, however careful one may be, the employer's child often dies from another's milk, and the nurse's child, carried back into the country like a parcel, is killed with neglect and indigestible pap.

She had no words to tell her tormentor that the borrowing trait in her tribe which had earned them the name of the borrowing Passmores proceeded not from avarice, which ate into Pap Himes's very marrow, but from its reverse trait of generosity.

Ludlow, ii. 250, 286, 287. Clar. Pap. 591. At the restoration, Richard, to escape from his creditors, fled to the continent; and, after an expatriation of almost twenty years, returned to England to the neighbourhood of Cheshunt, where he died in 1713, at the age of eighty-six.

But I warn't comfortable long, because I happened to think of something. I knowed mighty well that a drownded man don't float on his back, but on his face. So I knowed, then, that this warn't pap, but a woman dressed up in a man's clothes. So I was uncomfortable again. I judged the old man would turn up again by and by, though I wished he wouldn't.