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We passed out into the clear cold starlight, with the burning candle sheltered by a milk pan, and picked our way between the lumber to the unfinished room where John lay. I was the last to enter, and saw grandma hurriedly give the candle to Georgia, drop upon her knees beside the bed, touch his forehead, lift his hand, and call him by name.

Thereupon her companions ran into the hall; a few minutes later an old servant in livery would bring in a copper pan with a bunch of mint on a hot brick, and stepping hurriedly upon the narrow strips of carpet, he would sprinkle the mint with vinegar.

In a short time the Prince returned with a great cavalcade, and finding a cask of caviar where he had left a pan of milk, he stood for awhile beside himself with amazement. At length he said, "Who has made this great blot of ink on the fine paper upon which I thought to write the brightest days of my life?

Didn't you know that chimney was foul, ma'am?" asked the man, as he wiped the perspiration off his grimy face. "Randa said it was, and I 'in surprised she made a fire there," began Mrs. Moss, looking at the maid, who just then came in with a pan full of soot. "Bless you, ma'am, I never thought of such a thing, nor Katy neither.

"Plenty enough, I gol! I don't see where they all come fum." "Early Rose?" inquired the man, as if referring to the bugs. "No; Peachblows an' Carter Reds. My Early Rose is over near the house. The old woman wants 'em near. See the darned things!" he pursued, rapping savagely on the edge of the pan to rattle the bugs back. "How do yeh kill 'em scald 'em?" "Mostly. Sometimes I"

If, for instance, butter was spoken of, by the help of suitable motions the cow was milked, the milk was poured into a pan and skimmed, the cream was churned, the butter was made into pats and finally sent to market. Then came the payment, which required little accounts.

He had been suffering from remittent fever of a low typhoid type. I gave him bark, and told him he must lay up and take care of himself. He said he would; but next day, during the intervals of fever, I saw him working away with his pan. The news of there being a doctor in the camp soon spread, and I am now being continually called on to prescribe for a large number of patients.

A reminiscence of this general charity still survives in the little town of Solliès, tucked away in the mountains not far from Toulon. And throughout Provence the custom still is general that each well-to-do family shall send a portion of its Christmas loaf the pan calendau to some friend or neighbour to whom Fortune has been less kind.

But that evening as I came home, about the going down o' th' sun, I did hear voices i' th' kitchen, and, looking in at th' window, behold, there was that hussy Ruth a-plucking of Keren by th' kirtle, and Keren a-holding of a pan o' milk above her head, as though she had half a mind to souse her cousin in 't. And saith she, "Get to thy feet, wench. This is neither a church, nor am I th' Lord."

"I will, mother," replied Frank. "But Richard will have to help; it's really his story." "Then both go ahead," cried Mattie. "Only do go ahead. I am dying to hear!" Of course Mrs. Massanet as well as Mattie was highly interested in the boys' story, and both were deeply touched at the account of Frying Pan Court and the scene in the little garret room. "I want to know little Pep," said Mattie.