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"He is a savage, a barbarous and ignorant savage, and knows not what he does. Let us find leisure, with our dying breath, to ask for him penitence and pardon." "Pardon!" echoed the fierce Huron, mistaking, in his anger, the meaning of her words; "the memory of an Indian is longer than the arm of the pale-faces; his mercy shorter than their justice!

It was the youngest, the most highly gifted, and, until now, the most favoured of the wives of the Teton. Her charms had not been without the most powerful attraction in the eyes of her husband, until they had so unexpectedly opened on the surpassing loveliness of a woman of the Pale-faces.

Among the last was Peter, whose known ascendancy in his own particular tribe had been a source of great envy and uneasiness to this Indian. He had struggled hard to resist it, and had even dared to speak in favor of the pale-faces, and in opposition to the plan of cutting them all off, purely with a disposition to oppose this mysterious stranger.

The savage replied that he did not believe it possible for him to escape immediate death but if he were not killed, he could never think of hurting any of those, who saved him, afterwards. Yet he stated very frankly that he would kill and rob any other pale-faces he might meet with. "Let me blow his brains out," said Sneak, throwing his gun up to his shoulder.

"Does the Pawnee woman thank the Great Spirit that her child is saved?" began Joe as he came up. "She does," answered the woman, looking up at the hunter. "And her heart is warm to the Pale-faces." After a short silence Joe continued, "The Pawnee chiefs do not love the Pale-faces. Some of them hate them." "The Dark Flower knows it," answered the woman; "she is sorry.

"Why no hab her she good squaw," returned the literalminded Indian- -han'some 'nough for chief. You ask; she hab now squaw well always like warrior to ask him fuss; den say, yes." "Aye, that may do with your red-skin squaws," le Bourdon hastily replied; for he saw that Margery was not only distressed, but a little displeased "but not with the young women of the pale-faces.

"Do the pale-faces love their children less in the morning than at night?" asked the Indian, coldly.

The frontiersmen west of the Alleghanies fled east over the mountains to Carlisle, Lancaster, and numbers even continued their flight to Philadelphia. Pontiac was making good his threat that he would drive the pale-faces back to the sea. But Forts Niagara and Pitt were still in the possession of the "red-coats," as the British soldiers were often called by the forest "redskins."

There's nothin' onreasonable in that, but it's agreeable to every man's exper'ence." "I thought the pale-faces believed all men were wicked; who then could ever find the white man's heaven?" "That's ingen'ous, but it falls short of the missionary teachin's. You'll be Christianized one day, I make no doubt, and then 'twill all come plain enough.

They wish to trade with them; to exchange blankets, and guns, and beads, and other goods which the Peigans require, for furs of animals which the Pale-faces require." "Ho! ho!" exclaimed the Indians; which expression might be translated, "Hear, hear." "But," continued Cameron, "we wish to have no war.