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And I may, or I may not." "I should," advised Neddy. "Bridetown is a very sporting place and you'd be alongside your pal, Arthur Waldron." "Don't go to Bridetown with an idea of sport, however don't do that, Mister Raymond," warned Richard Gurd. "If you go, you put your back into the work and master the business of the Mill."

People would be saying that he should not be let to ride so fast through a city street. He was worse than Gus Giddings. But he saw this only with his artist's eye. In sordid fact he went up to Dexter, seized the trailing bridle reins and jerked savagely upon them. Back over the trail he led his good old pal.

At last the same man told me that he shouldn’t wonder if I found her at the grave; so I went back to the grave, and sure enough there I found the child Leonora, seated on the ground above the body, crying and taking on; so I spoke kindly to her, and said, “How came all this, Leonora? tell me all about it.” It was a long time before I could get any answer; at last she opened her mouth and spoke, and these were the words she said, “It was all along of your Pal”; and then she told me all about the matterhow Mrs.

She was a great pal of her brother's and might well have some real information about He'd have Pete's wife come in and look after Mary get lunch and so on. And father would be down about two. March thought the forlorn smile with which she told him this the most heart-breaking thing he had ever seen. Damn Rush! Damn all the sentimentalists in the world.

Thereupon he lost all interest in me, humorous or otherwise, and walked away driving sternly before him the honest Ted, who went off grumbling to himself like a hungry ogre, and his horrible dumb little pal in the soldier's coat, who, from first to last, never emitted the slightest sound.

Dart, suddenly released, moved a little further away and smoothed his coat collar. "The mortgage was held by a man I used to call a pal," he volunteered further. "I don't call him that any longer. I mean old Mart." "Martin Leland! You mean to tell me that Martin Leland held a mortgage over the Bar L-M for twenty-five thousand dollars and that I never heard of it?" "Yep," answered Dart lightly.

"Good-bye, Suzette!" and I bent down and kissed her forehead "You have been the jolliest little pal possible and remember that I have appreciated it, and you will always have a real friend in me!" She burst into tears once more real tears . "Je t'aime bien!" she whispered "I shall go to Deauville Va!"

"You are the stronger." John's voice was very miserable. "I have tried to dissuade him, as you knew I should try, and I have failed. Isn't that enough? You have your triumph. But now be generous. Turn round and use your strength the other way. Make him give up this folly. You don't want to see your own pal sacked?" "Precious little chance of that!" "There is the chance." Scaife hesitated.

Sure as I'm a livin' man born to trouble as the sparks fly upward, just as sure am I that it makes 'm happy to do tricks for me . . . just as it makes a man happy to lend a hand to a pal in a ticklish place, or a lover happy to put his coat around the girl he loves to keep her warm. I tell you . . . "

But the lad only listens with half an ear, his dark eyes roam around the barn in search of the sweetheart; he wants one more protestation of love from her lips, one final oath of fidelity. Andor has neither father to admonish him, nor mother to pray over him; the rich uncle Lakatos Pál, with whom he has lived hitherto, does not care enough about him to hang weeping round his neck.