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All records of weights should be placed upon the right-hand page, while that on the left is reserved for the notes, calculations of factors, or the amount of reagents required. The neat and systematic arrangement of the records of analyses is of the first importance, and is an evidence of careful work and an excellent credential.

'But you seem angry with Nevil, papa, said she. 'I do hate a turbulent, restless fellow, my dear, the colonel burst out. 'Papa, he has really been unfairly reported. He suffered his eye to run down a page. 'Is it possible you read this? this trash! dangerous folly, I call it. Cecilia's reply, 'In the interests of justice, I do, was meant to express her pure impartiality.

The dirty plate and the sardine-tin were still there with the flies about them: the highly coloured German supplement watched us from its rakish position on the wall, the treatise on New Mexico was lying on the table. I picked up the book and it opened naturally at a place where the last reader had turned down the corner of the page.

At Aiken he found at least peace and the devotion of loving friends that he so craved, but in London and Cuba, which once had meant so much to him, he seemed to have lost interest entirely. But not once during these years did he cease working, and working hard. On almost every page of his diary at this period I find such expressions as "wrote 500 words for discipline."

I am locked up. I shall not go out, except upon the balcony!" And with this, Angela stepped out of the long window and went and stood beside Miss Evers. Bernard was extremely amused, but he was also a good deal puzzled, and it came over him that it was not a wonder that poor Wright should not have found this young lady's disposition a perfectly decipherable page. He remained in the room with Mrs.

Here I've left John Starkweather in my pasture while I remark to the extent of a page or two that I didn't expect him to see me when he went by. Perhaps I was not consumed with excitement: here was fresh adventure! "A farmer," I said to myself with exultation, "has only to wait long enough and all the world comes his way."

The keen-sighted and very imaginative Gruithuisen believed that in some instances they represent roads cut through interminable forests, and in others the dried-up beds of once mighty rivers. His description of the Triesnecker rill-system reads like a page from a geographical primer.

But such books of the city, whether of the new and observant type, from Baedeker to Booth, or of the old and interpretative Dantean one, are too vast and varied to keep open before us. Even the preceding open page of diagram is complex enough with its twofold, indeed four-fold city; and we are called back to our daily work in the first of these divisions, that of the everyday town.

Aristodemus looked her in her face, and then turned over several leaves, until he fixed upon a page, which he considered attentively. "Mayoress of , what wouldst thou with me?" She started, and turned pale. "I would ask " "I know; thou wouldst ask many things, perhaps, had I time to listen. Amongst others thou wouldst ask if there is any chance of thy giving an heir to thy husband. Is it not so?"

Following his usual custom, the old seigneur waited till the general hurry was over; after which he left his chapel, placing the duenna and the youngest page, carrying a lantern, before him; then he gave his arm to his wife and told the other page to follow them.