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He is intensely jealous of any one who seeks to disturb the intimacy between his padrone and himself, or to enter into his padrone's life without frankly letting him know it and the reason for it. The departure of Hermione had given an additional impetus to Gaspare's always lively sense of proprietorship in Maurice.

The padrone's entire arrangement followed the custom which had prevailed for years before the establishment of civil service laws. Ten of the laborers swore out warrants against the padrone, who was convicted and fined seventy-five dollars. This sum was promptly paid by the alderman, and the padrone, assured that he would be protected from any further trouble, returned uninjured to the colony.

He must be down there on that beach searching, calling his padrone's name, perhaps. She began to descend slowly, still physically distressed. True to her fixed idea that if there had been a disaster it must be connected with the sea, she walked always close to the wall, and looked always down to the sea.

"Give me the pipe," said Dr. Riccabocca, passing into the belvidere. Jackeymo again struck the spark, and, wonderfully relieved at the padrone's return to the habitual adviser, mentally besought his sainted namesake to bestow a double portion of soothing wisdom on the benignant influences of the weed. Dr.

"It was not our fault that she went," Maurice said, in a hard voice like that of a man trying to justify something, to defend himself against some accusation. "We did not want the signora to go." "No, signore." Gaspare's voice sounded almost apologetic. He was a little startled by his padrone's tone. "It was a pity she went," he continued. "The poor signora " "Why is it such a pity?"

Gaspare, too, played his part. When Hermione spoke to him of returning to the priest's house, almost wildly, and with the hot energy that bursts so readily up in Sicilians, he begged her not to go back to the maledetta casa in which his Padrone's dead body had lain. As he spoke a genuine fear of the cottage came upon him.

The boy's voice was intensely, almost savagely, earnest. "No. You must stay with the signora." "I want to come with you." His great eyes were fastened on his padrone's face. "I have always been with you." "But you were with the signora first. You were her servant. You must stay with her now. Remember one thing, Gaspare the signora is never to know." The boy nodded. His eyes still held Maurice.

It wasn't that which made you frightened this evening when he didn't come?" She had unwittingly given the boy the chance to save her from any worse suspicion. With Sicilian sharpness he seized it. Till now he had been in a dilemma, and it was that which had made him sullen, almost rude. His position was a difficult one. He had to keep his padrone's confidence.

He must know the result of the padrone's interview with Salvatore, and he could not leave the padrona. Well, then ! He crept nearer and nearer till at last he was close to the shrine and could see the Madonna smiling. Then he crossed himself and said, softly: "Signora!" Hermione did not hear him. She was wrapped in the passion of her prayer. "Signora!"

Gaspare remembered the padrone's question about the little light beside the sea, his answer to it, the way in which the padrone had looked towards the trees when, in the dawn, they stood upon the summit of the hill and he pointed out the caves where they were going to sleep. He remembered, too, from what direction the padrone came towards the caffè when the sun was up and he knew.