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A wild and startling scene it was which the Oz people beheld. Before the Nome King stood the Chief of the Whimsies and the Grand Gallipoot of the Growleywogs, surrounded by their most skillful generals. Very fierce and powerful they looked, so that even the Nome King and General Guph, who stood beside his master, seemed a bit fearful in the presence of their allies.

On the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Tin Woodman and said: "Oz has sent for you. Follow me." So the Tin Woodman followed him and came to the great Throne Room. He did not know whether he would find Oz a lovely Lady or a Head, but he hoped it would be the lovely Lady.

Before anyone could speak Coo-ee-oh called to them in a rasping voice for the voice of a swan is always harsh and unpleasant and said with much pride: "Admire me, Strangers! Admire the lovely Coo-ee-oh, the handsomest creature in all Oz. Admire me!" "Handsome is as handsome does," replied the Scarecrow. "Are your deeds lovely, Coo-ce-oh?" "Deeds?

Take of the juice of either, as the case may be, one pint; white sugar one and a half pound. If it be orange a little of the peel; tartaric acid 4 oz. Mix and boil a few minutes; strain, and when a little cool, bottle and cork for use. When to be drank, mix three or four tablespoonsful of syrup with three quarters of a glass of water, and add a teaspoonful of soda.

So Ozma and the Wizard had watched every action of the adventurers from the time Shaggy had met shipwrecked Betsy and Hank in the Rose Kingdom, at which time the Rose Princess, a distant cousin of Ozma, had been exiled by her heartless subjects. When Ann and her people so earnestly wished to return to Oogaboo, Ozma was sorry for them and remembered that Oogaboo was a corner of the Land of Oz.

I may not succeed, but I shall do the best I can. From the directions our friends are taking, I believe they are going to pass by Jinjur's Ranch, so if we start now we may meet them there. Would you like to go with me, Dorothy?" "Of course," answered the little girl; "I wouldn't miss it for anything." "Then order the Red Wagon," said Ozma of Oz, "and we will start at once."

"Oz can do some good tricks, humbug or no humbug," announced Zeb, who was now feeling more at ease. "He shall amuse us with his tricks tomorrow," said the Princess. "I have sent messengers to summon all of Dorothy's old friends to meet her and give her welcome, and they ought to arrive very soon, now."

Before all the concourse of people Princess Ozma made a speech from a porch of the palace and demanded that they recognize her as their lawful Ruler and promise to obey the laws of the Land of Oz. In return she agreed to protect them from all future harm and declared they would no longer be subjected to cruelty and abuse.

Take of tinc. of aloes 1/2 oz., tinc. of chloride of iron 1/2 drm., tinc. of valerian 1/2 oz.; mix. Take a teaspoonful in chamomile tea two or three times a-day in cases of amenorrhoea.

You can then live in the fine houses of the Land of Oz, and eat the fine food of the Oz people, and wear their fine clothes, and sing and dance and be happy. And the Oz people, having become beasts, will have to live here in the forest and hunt and fight for food, and often go hungry, as you now do, and have no place to sleep but a bed of leaves or a hole in the ground.