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"I can make your lot in the service easier." "Indeed! how so?" "By having you appointed my Hospital Steward. I have not secured one yet, and the man who is acting as such is so intemperate that I feel a fresh sense of escape with every day that passes without his mistaking the oxalic axid for Epsom salts, to the destruction of some earnest but constipated young patriot's whole digestive viscera.

To prevent their rusting when not in use: Mix half a pound of lime with a quart of warm water; add sweet oil until it looks like cream. Rub the article with this; when dry, wrap in paper or put over another coat. See also IRONS. Put half an ounce of oxalic acid in a pint of water. Dip the stain in the water, and apply the acid as often as necessary.

This precipitate may be dissolved by adding oxalic acid or dilute sulphuric acid; the further action of the current will change the solution to an alkaline reaction, upon which the treatment with acid is repeated until all the cobalt has been separated out in its metallic condition.

By this means, and by piecing out margins, the most rotten paper, ready to drop apart in turning the leaves, may be restored to use, if not quite to its pristine condition. Ink-spots or mildew stains may be wholly removed, when freshly made, by applying a solution of oxalic or citric acid, and then washing the leaf with a wet sponge.

While I am at Brighton she kills herself and the baby with what is left of the oxalic acid. At the inquest I am unable to say anything except 'Look here, am severely censured by the coroner's jury, and nearly lynched by the crowd outside.

He saw her roll down her sleeves and remove her apron the apron hung on a peg behind the door and take the bottle of oxalic acid and go with it into the bedroom. The agony of it drove him up from the bed and out of the room. He went into the studio.

Nail sides as you go along, until you are quite sure that the carpet is fully stretched, and that there is no fold anywhere in the length of it. Make stair-carpet longer than necessary, and change it so that it will not cover the steps in the same way each time of putting down. Moved about in this way, the carpet will last much longer. Clean the rods with oxalic acid. They should be kept bright.

Mode of treating cuts, wounds, severed arteries Bad bruises to be bathed In hot water Sprains treated with hot fomentation and rest Burns cured by creosote, wood-soot, or flour Drowning; most approved mode of treatment Poisons and their antidotes Soda, saleratus, potash, sulphuric or oxalic acid, lime or baryta, iodine or iodide of potassium, prussic acid, antimony, arsenic, lead, nitrate of silver, phosphorus, alcohol, tobacco, opium, strychnia Bleeding at the lungs, stomach, throat, nose Accidents from lightning Stupefaction, from coal-gas or foul air Fire Fainting Coolness and presence of mind.

The same method of applying benzine to oily spots upon plates or engravings, will remove the stains. Ink-stains may also be taken off from the leather covers of books bound in calf or morocco by the use of oxalic acid. Care should be taken first to try the acid on a piece of similar leather or on a discarded book of the same color.

If the leather is discolored after removing the black spot, one may apply, after taking out the traces of oxalic acid by some alkali, a coloring matter similar to the tint of the leather. Spots or stains of grease or oil are often found in books.