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This could never have happened if Mabel had not been powerless to prevent it. So Mabel must have ... Yes, the oxalic acid. "Can you tell me," he said in sepulchral tones, "where I shall find the body of my poor wife?" "Afraid I can't," said Dot. Her laughter jarred on him. "Let us," he said, "be reverent. When did she die?" Here Dash, under the pink parasol, broke in, "But she's alive.

To prevent lubricating oil hardening upon the parts of the machinery when in use, add a third part of kerosene. When the guides are wooden, the soft soap need not be added; black-lead made into a paste with water will act admirably. Oxalic acid 1 oz., rotten stone 6 oz., powdered gum arabic 1/2 oz., sweet oil 1 oz. Rub on with a piece of rag.

Clean the leather with a weak solution of oxalic acid, washing it off immediately, and when dry apply the composition with a sponge. After using a table-cloth, lay it in the same folds; put it in a close place where dust will not reach it, and lay a heavy weight upon it. Napkins may be used the second time, if they are so marked that each person gets the napkin previously used.

This acid exists abundantly in other fruits, but especially in the tamarind; in the grape it exists along with citric, malic, and an acid called vinic, which resembles tartaric acid in many respects, but differs from it in others, and concerning the nature of which almost nothing is known: these four constitute the agreeable tartness of the juice of that fruit. Oxalic Acid.

In the solution effected with water containing some aqua ammonia of the brown substance, a white precipitate of oxalate of lime occurred when an oxalate of ammonia solution was added, but the brown substance remained in solution. A further precipitation of oxalate of lime was produced by a solution of oxalic acid, but the brown organic substance remained in solution.

A year's practice had chilled the youthful valour which used to scatter Epsom salts or oxalic acid, magnesia or corrosive sublimate. An experiment or two by himself and his compeers, with comments by the coroner, had enlightened him as to the final result on the human body of potent chemicals fearlessly administered, leaving him dark as to their distinctive qualities applied remedially.

On that very morning had they come for the first time under the valet's depurating hand, so little soiled, indeed, from the turfy ride of the preceding day, that a less scrupulous domestic might, perhaps, have considered the application of "Warren's Matchless," or oxalic acid, altogether superfluous.

From the corrected volume of the solution required, calculate the amount of oxalic acid undecomposed by the pyrolusite; subtract this from the total quantity of acid used, and calculate the weight of manganese dioxide which would react with the balance of the acid, and from this the percentage in the sample.

The plant called sorrel is valued for its acidulous taste. This acidity is owing to the presence of a peculiar acid, which may be separated from the juice, and from the potash with which it is combined, by a process analagous to that described for the preparation of citric acid. It has obtained the name of oxalic acid, from the generic name of the plant, oxalis acetosella.

To estimate the age of writing from the amount of bleaching in a given time by hydrochloric or oxalic acid is very precarious, because the thickness of the ink film in a written character is not always the same, and the acid bleaches the thinner layer sooner than the thicker. The determination of the age of a written paper is a problem difficult of solution.