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"Oh, cobras are so veree dreadful creatures!" wailed the babu, caressing his waist again. "Look, sahib! Look! Oh, look! Between devil and over-sea what should a man do? Ow!" The carriage lurched at a mud-puddle. The babu's weight lurched with it, and Warrington's center of gravity shifted.

She's pointin' near as possible due south at this moment, an' no tellin' 'ow long it's lasted " "Then bring her round to west west an' a point south, an' hold her to it. You've got no Faith, Samuel Lloyd, an' me wrestlin' with the Lord for you this three hours. See yonder!" the skipper waved a hand towards the bows, and his voice rose to a note of triumph.

Dressed up to the nines she was, and they walked down the street with a feeling that everybody was looking at em. One thing that 'elped to spoil the evening was that Mrs. Gill wouldn't go into public'ouses, but to make up for it she went into sweet-stuff shops three times and 'ad ices while they stood and watched 'er and wondered 'ow she could do it.

Of course, sir," assented James with surprise. MacMaster laughed delightedly. "It was a beautiful idea, James, but I'm afraid we can't carry it any further." "I was thinkin' as 'ow it would be a rare chance to get you to take the Marriage over to Paris for a year or two, sir, until the thing blows over?" suggested James blandly. "I'm afraid that's out of the question, James.

"Ow penitent brother on'y asks you to bear his message. It's natu'al he should cling to the one pyo tie that holds him to us. O John, 'in wrath remembeh mercy! An' yet you may be the nearest right, God knows! O brethren, let's kneel and ask Him faw equal love an' wisdom!" Garnet rose to kneel, but March put out a protesting hand. "I wouldn't do that, sir."

If it wa'n't for ow, Josephus Henry! for this rheumatiz, I'd be aboard the Benn this minute with a marlinespike in my hand, and op'nin' a fresh package of language." "But you ain't fit for the sea no longer," mumbled One-arm Jerry through one corner of the mouth that paralysis had drawn awry. "That's what I told the owners of the Benn when I fit 'em off'm me and resigned," agreed the Cap'n.

The fact is, it was a sort of farewell party in honor of a young lady who's leaving town to-morrow." A horrible foreboding seized Cousin Hans. "What washer name?" he shrieked, gripping his uncle by the arm. "Ow!" cried his uncle, "Miss Beck." Then Hans collapsed upon the bench.

"'Ave ye taken the hoath of hallegiance, sir?" asked the porter. "I was born in England," said I dryly. "Your renegade of a French savage is atakin' the hoath now," confided the porter, jerking his thumb towards the inner door. "They do say as 'ow it is for love of Mary Kirke and not the English " "Your renegade of a French who?"

She jerked it so hard that one foot flew right up in the air, and one of her new wooden shoes went splash! right into the water! But that wasn't the worst of it! Before you could say Jack Robinson, Kat's hook flew around and caught in Kit's clothes and pricked him. Kit jumped and said, "Ow!"

Jest retire one by one firin' steady, see? Now I'm goin' back to the picket. Ow! an' don' fergit the reconnoitrin' patrol. Don' go an' shoot at 'em as they comes back. 'Alt 'em for the countersign as they comes out, and 'alt 'em fer it agin as they comes in, see? Right O. Now you keep yer eyes skinned, Greens and Grobbles."