United States or Georgia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"And and," he continued, with some hesitation, "probably I shall not return to this mission." "Perhaps that will be best," she said, simply, but looking up at him now, with a face full of tender sympathy. "I am sure of it," he replied, turning away from her gaze. "The fact is, doctor, I am a little hipped overworked, and all that. I shall pull myself together with a little rest.

The sad life of these little waifs, overworked, underfed, neglected, abused, in the factories and barracks in the remote glens of Yorkshire and Lancashire, came eventually to the notice of the outside world.

At last the overworked carpenter and his crew got through their heavy task, and the order was given to "man the windlass." Up came the anchor, and away we went again towards what used to be a noted haunt of the sperm whale, the Seychelle Archipelego.

At such times one squad of midshipmen would be on duty in the engine room, another in the conning tower and on the platform deck. Of course, when the midshipmen handled the "Farnum," under command of a Navy officer, the submarine boys had but little more to do than to be on board. Certainly they were not overworked.

Now and then came the motors of generals and other potentates, or the shabby, overworked Fords of the Y.M.C.A. Mounted officers, colonels, and camp commandants who were privileged to keep horses, trotted by. Orderlies on bicycles went perilously, for the road was narrow and motor lorries are big.

It was all started, apparently, by a worthless 'felly' from Castleton, who had a great reputation as a medium, and would come over on summer evenings to conduct seances at Frimley and the places near. 'Lias, already in an excitable, overworked state, was bitten by the new mania, and could think of nothing else.

To sing before the high mark of feeling is reached is an insincerity." "Alas, Juventius," the girl was saying, "how much difficulty you lay up for yourself in determining the limits of art! Teach broadly and the fulfilment of your laws will not be such a task for the overworked and irritable gods of art." "Child!" Juventius cried passionately. "Your ignorance outreaches your presumption!" "Fie!

No one would ever think of characterizing George Washington as frivolous minded, but from youth to old age he was a believer in the adage that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy a saying that many an overworked farmer of our own day would do well to take to heart. Like most Virginians he was decidedly a social being and loved to be in the company of his kind.

Their industry had enriched Egypt, and having escaped from her oppressive bondage, they were liable, in their efforts to found a nation of their own, to carry their habits of industry to excess. Probably they overworked their slaves, their cattle, themselves, and the "stranger within their gates."

Rats also were innumerable, and, to the great surprise not to say indignation of the men, neither dogs nor cats paid the least attention to the rats! After a time the storm, both of animate and inanimate nature, began to abate, and the weary overworked soldiers were dropping off to sleep when a tremendous explosion effectually roused them. "There goes another mine!" cried Armstrong, starting up.