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"Absolutely nothing." "They went away during your watch." "You can't blame him," answered Sam. "Anybody would have been fooled under the circumstances." "Don't try to make lame excuses," jeered Billy. "Be a man and own up. They outwitted you, and that's all there is about it. Now, what are we going to do?" "Get out the launch and go on a hunt for them," declared George.

I told them to remember what you had said, and that, if they didn't shut the door, they would get a flogging." "That is just what he said, Master," said Hans Middlekauf, brimming over with fun. Cipher could not dispute it. He saw that they had literally obeyed his orders, and that he had been outwitted. He did not know what to do; and being weak and inefficient, did nothing.

Now, be deep and fause, mind thee! 'A'se deep an' fause enow wi' simple folk; but what can a do i' Donkin be as fause as me as happen he may be? 'Ga way wi' thee! I' Donkin be Solomon, thou mun be t' Queen o' Sheba; and I'se bound for to say she outwitted him at last!

"And thou wilt stay there whatever I say or do?" asked the physician plaintively. "Yea," answered Death stoutly. Then, wrought up to desperation, the physician called the attendants in again and bade them turn the bed round, so that Death was left standing at the foot. But the Angel, seeing himself outwitted, rushed back to the head.

He was feeling a little sore at what he considered having been outwitted by this youngster. "I had run certain of the lines before," said Keith: "these, as I started to tell you yesterday. And now," he said, with a sudden change of manner, "I will make you the same proposal I made yesterday. You can pay me what you think the work is worth. I will not hold you to your bargain of yesterday."

So, bowing and smiling, he left her, and, in her heart, Inza cried: "If he skates with her again this afternoon, I'll be outwitted that's all!" As Bart drew Frank aside, he hastily and guardedly said: "You must go into this race to win, old man. Rains' friends have been saying you would not dare skate against him, and that he would have a walk-over if you did."

The Wymp King saw that he was outwitted, but he would not have been a wymp if he had lost his temper about it; so he chuckled good-humouredly, and pretended not to see that he had really been cheated of his kingdom and was nothing but a prisoner in Fairyland.

There was no pity in him, his only emotion was a great sense of power; they had hunted him, two to one, and they born in the woods, but he had outwitted and slain them both. He could have escaped, he could have easily left them far behind when he first discovered that they were stalking him, but he had felt that they should be punished and now the event justified his faith.

Godwin, I'll knock you down. I'm a free citizen of these United States; and I won't be insulted in this way by anybody." Friend Hopper interfered between them, and Mr. Godwin agreed to go before a magistrate to have the case examined. When the particulars had been recounted, the magistrate answered, "You have been outwitted, sir. Zeke is now as free as any man in this room."

She had told Darzac that if her father should know of her dishonour, she would kill herself. Monsieur Darzac had sworn to silence her persecutor, even if he had to kill him. He was outwitted and would have succumbed had it not been for the genius of Rouletabille. Mademoiselle Stangerson was herself helpless in the hands of such a villain.