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"I didn't hurt the old roof," he whispered. But he felt very happy, in spite of his irritation, and genuinely sorry for any boy who did not have a roof. Every morning now he enjoyed his splash in the tub; every night he glorified in his taste of the real outdoors. On the following Sunday, he combined the two pleasures.

I'm a committee to mention the subject and to collect your thirty-eights if y'u agree with us." "And if I don't agree with you?" "There's all outdoors ready to receive y'u, seh. It would be a pity to stay in the one spot where your welcome's wore thin." "Still I may choose to stay."

So Aponigawani told the people of Kaodanan to start to attend balaua with Dumanau and Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen. She was surprised because Dumanau had arrived, for they had heard that he was lost when he went to hunt deer. She said, "Perhaps he met a lady who never goes outdoors, who has power, when he went to hunt deer."

The Meetings held at noon daily in front of the new Headquarters set an example of patient, persevering combat which was followed in the Meetings, outdoors or in, held by what was then known as "The Christian Mission." The first name used by "The General Superintendent," as our Founder was then called, was "The East London Christian Revival Society."

Across the road, where fat Reuben lived, they all went outdoors while the teacher retired, because they did not boast the luxury of a kitchen. I liked to stay with the Dowells, for they had four rooms and plenty of good country fare.

The previous day the weather had been cloudy and rather cool, and Maria, the martinet, had sternly vetoed Ann's modest suggestion that she was now sufficiently recovered to go outdoors again. "My dear life! And take your death of cold 'pon top of bein' near drowned?" Maria had demanded witheringly.

It was a domed city in the polar regions, where nobody ever had to go outdoors. He was less than professionally enthusiastic about the moving streets, and much less approving of the dream-broadcasts which supplied hypnotic, sleep-inducing rhythms to anybody who chose to listen to them.

"Did you ever live on a farm, Harriet?" asked Sunny Boy, as they started for the store. His mind was full of the coming visit. "No," admitted Harriet. "I never lived on a farm. But I've often visited people who did. You'll like it. There'll be brooks to wade in, and little calves and lambs to play with, and chickens and ducks. And you can play outdoors all day long."

"As your honour pleases!" "Hospital's stuffy, isn't it? Think you could recover health more rapidly outdoors? Sick-leave continued of course, but how about a little exercise?" The Sikh's eyes twinkled. "Sahib, you know I need exercise!" "I'll speak to the doctor for you. In case he signs a new certificate, report to me tonight." "Atcha, Jimgrim sahib! Atcha!" "Hum Dekta hai"

Tillie did not speak. She was resting in the wooden rocking-chair by the kitchen window, a pillow at her head and a shawl over her knees. Her stepmother was busy at the table with her Saturday baking; Sammy was giving the porch its Saturday cleaning, and the other children, too little to work, were playing outdoors; even the baby, bundled up in its cart, was out on the grass-plot.