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Sir George Prevost called for a levy of the sedentary militia, who rallied loyally for the defence of their country. Colonel De Salaberry, with four hundred Voltigeurs, sharpshooters every one, took up a strong position at the junction of the Chateanguay with the Outarde, defended by a breastwork of logs and abattis.

Hampton, leading an army of probably seven thousand men, had been routed near the junction of the Châteauguay and Outarde rivers by an insignificant force of Canadian Fencibles and Voltigeurs under Colonel de Salaberry, a French Canadian in the English military service, with the aid of Colonel McDonnell, in command of seven companies of Lower Canadian militia.

Monsieur de Montragouz went to Le Perche to receive the heritage of his cousin of Outarde, who had been killed gloriously by a cannon-ball at the battle of the Dunes, while casting dice upon a drum. Before leaving, Monsieur de Montragoux begged his wife to indulge in every possible distraction during his absence.

I have the skin of one killed in the Braye Pond in November, 1876, which might have been one of those bred there that year. Professor Ansted includes the Coot in his list, but only marks it as occurring in Guernsey. There is no specimen in the Museum. LITTLE BUSTARD. Otis tetrax, Linnaeus. French, "Outarde canepetière," "Poule de Carthage."