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A girl that 'ain't got no more brains than to gad round every night and every Sunday in foul-smelling, low-ceilinged dance-halls, and wear paper-soled slippers when she oughtta be wearing galoshes, and cheese-cloth waists that ain't even decent, instead of wool undershirts! You oughtta talk about brains you and Charley Chubb!" "Yes, I oughtta talk!

"You do a lotta sayin’, Kells." The scowl was gone; Shannon’s battered mouth was actually smiling. But, Drew decided, he liked the scowl better than the smile and the tone of the voice accompanying it. "Some men oughtta put a hobble on their tongues. Sure, I know these young whelps an’ their pa too. Sniffin’ round where they ain’t wanted.

Folks'll never think you belong to me. 'Intrude! Now, that sounds stuck up! You oughtta say 'be in the way, or something natural like that. See?" "I'm afraid I don't," said Betty dubiously, "but I'll try." "You're all right, Kid," said Jane with compunction in her voice. "Just let yourself down a little like I do, and remember you don't wear silk onderclothes now.

In the foyer she revived a bit and drank gratefully of the water he brought; but the color remained out of her cheeks and the cough would rack her. "I guess I oughtta go home, Charley." "Aw, cut it! You ain't the only girl I've seen give out. Sit here and rest a minute and you'll be all right. Great Scott! I came here to dance." She rose to her feet a bit unsteadily, but smiling. "Fussy!

He was looking at his watch and wondering if he should order supper or wait until Tennelly arrived. "Well, I can't say for sure. He's mighty uncommunicative, but he's given out he flies 'most anywhere the notion takes him. He's got his machine out in the lot back o' the inn. You oughtta see it. It's a bird!" "H'm!" said Courtland. "I must have a look at it in daylight.

When she gets scared like that about 'em she acts up so, honest, sometimes I I just wish I was dead. She don't think a girl oughtta have no life." "Forget it. Just you wait. She's going to wake up some morning soon and find a little surprise party for herself. I know just how to handle an old bird like her."

"Sure!" said Billy with shining eyes clasping the weapon that had been Mark's proud possession for several years. "Aw Gee! Ya hadn't oughtta give me this! You might need it yourself." "No, Kid, I'd rather feel that you have it. I want to leave someone here to kind of take my place watching you know. There'll be times !" "Sure!" said Billy, a kind of glory overspreading his thin eager face.