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Toute personne qui, expres ou par negligence, detruira ou deteriorera un objet ou une construction antique, devra etre passible d'une peine a fixer par l'autorite du pays. Aucun deblaiement ni aucune fouille ayant pour objet la recherche d'antiquites ne seront permis sous peine d'amendc, sauf aux personnes autorisees par le Departement des Antiquites du pays.

Were the Basques united as a race, or were their sympathies French or Spanish? After considering how I should put it, I said, "Mon ami, est-ce que vous êtes plus Basque que Français, ou plus Français que Basque?" He taught me a lesson in simple psychology, for he stopped poling and stared at me for a long minute. Then he scratched his head and a light came into his eyes.

"Ou, that's just what I said to Pate; if it like your honour, I'll tell you the very words; it's no worth making a lie for the matter 'Pate, said I, 'what ado had the lords and lairds and gentles at Lunnun wi' the carle and his walise?

"Tell me about the people here," I said. "They are all strangers to me." "But I would much rather talk about you." "That does not interest me; you said I was selfish, so you do what I wish." "What can I tell you of them? They are like all companies dull and amusing, mixed. They are a fair specimen of most people one meets in the monde l'on s'amuse.

'What ladies? and what did he ask about them, Jock? said the interrogator. 'What leddies? Ou, it was Miss Jowlia Mannering and Miss Lucy Bertram, that ye ken fu' weel yoursell, Mr. Glossin; they were walking wi' the young Laird of Hazlewood upon the ice. 'And what did you tell him about them? demanded Glossin.

The Moor regarded him keenly, and, taking the letter, sits down to study it; and while he is at this business a young Moor enters, whose name, as we shortly learnt, was Mohand ou Mohand.

In the sequel a world-wide Marchen, or tale, seems to have been attached to Cronus, or attracted into the cycle of which he is centre, without any particular reason, beyond the law which makes detached myths crystallise round any celebrated name. To look further is, perhaps, chercher raison ou il n'y en a pas.

"Dans ces mêmes dépôts sableux et souvent limoneux, gisent les restes des grands animaux de l'Inde: ces ossemens d'éléphans, de rhinocéros, de buffles monstrueux, dont on déterre tous les jours un si grand nombre, et qui font l'admiration des curieux. En Sibérie, l'on

I dinna ken vera muckle about them though, but the auldest fouk said they were just byous wi' cruelty. Mony a good man did they hing up i' their ha', just for their ain sport; ye'll see the ring to the fore yet in the roof o 't. Did ye never hear o' Mauns' Stane, neebour?" "Mauns' what?" said I. "Ou, Mauns' Stane. But it's no likely.

Ariane ma soeur, de quel amour blessée, Vous mourûtes aux bords vous fûtes laissée. Here, certainly, are no 'mots rares'; here is nothing to catch the mind or dazzle the understanding; here is only the most ordinary vocabulary, plainly set forth. But is there not an enchantment? Is there not a vision?