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No joy or sorrow dies barren of progeny, which for ever generated and generating, weaves the chain that make our life: Un dia llama a otro dia y ass i llama, y encadena llanto a llanto, y pena a pena. Truly disappointment is the guardian deity of human life; she sits at the threshold of unborn time, and marshals the events as they come forth.

Por la misma razón, si tratan de escaparse, y no tienen otro recurso, se arrojan por una ventana; mas si tienen la puerta franca, aquel paso ya no es ni medio verosímil. Esta exageración hace aparecer a Matilde loca las más veces; quiere ser el don Quijote de las novelas.

X, p. 369. In relation to Montoya, Luis de Leon says: 'Y cuanto toca al capítulo tercero, si yo no temiera aquella sentencia Malédici regnum Dei non possidebunt, y aquella Invicem mordentes, invicem consumemini, yo pudiera relatar mas de dos cosas, algo mas pesadas que es dar un agnus Dei un fraile á otro sin pedir al perlado licencia, de las cuales este hombre religioso no hace escrúpulo.

"'Lillas, she said, as soon as she saw me. 'I'm not going to work any more to-day. To-morrow will be a day, too.* Come, fellow-countryman, let us go for a walk! * Manana sera otro dia. A Spanish proverb. "She pulled her mantilla across her nose, and there we were in the street, without my knowing in the least whither I was bound.

DON EDUARDO. ¡Otro abrazo ... otro ... es tanto lo que te quiero! Adiós.

Y los hombres con calcas de lieço de algodõ con senogiles de seda, con muchas pieças de oro. ¶Entre ellos vino vno q parescia de mas calidad, vestido todo de seda, con vn alfange, la empuñadura, y guarniciones de oro, y piedras. ¶Los nuestros les pidieron mantenimientos, y dierõ se losa trueque de bugerias: pero ellos pidierõ hierro y dio seles: y quando vieron los clauos, no querian otro sina clauos, y estos pagauan con oro en poluo.

That one measured, and another called for, he seemed half-distracted; desperation seized him; as he faintly repeated "Otro" he looked wildly around in search of subjects and it was plain that he had not begun to realize what demands we planned to make upon him.

"Ernst," replied our spokesman, to whom the question was addressed. "Y el otro?" I replied for myself, "Federico." The man seemed not to catch the word and badly repeated it after me. "No, no," said the much quicker woman, "Federico! "Ah, and where is he?"

Pensar de otro modo sería egoísmo y aberración, y dejaría a la sociedad abandonada a muchos sufrimientos que solo la mano bendita de la mujer puede curar o acallar al menos.

He was a fast workman, and on every stone he split from the mother ledge, he sang out, "Otro piedra por Don Tomas!" And within a few minutes' time some one else would cry out, "Otro cillar por Fidel y Juana," or "Otro piedra por padre Norquin." A week passed and there was no return of the hunters.