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I don't think he was an unprincipled man, but he was certainly imprudent, and was led into acts that were reprehensible. Did he lose all your money for you?" "Yes, sir." "What did you do?" "Left the boarding school where I was being educated, and came to this city." "Did you obtain any employment?" "Yes, sir; I have been employed for a short time by Otis Goodnow, a merchant of Reade Street."

It is the purpose of the present article merely to emphasize the three striking traits of his character, his impetuosity and earnestness, his high integrity and devotion to truth and justice, and his marked ability as an advocate before the bar. In reading the memoirs of James Otis one is struck from first to last with the impetuosity, the earnestness, the ardent temper of his nature.

The second impolitic act of General Otis was the issue of a proclamation on the 4th of January, 1899, asserting in the name of President McKinley the sovereignty of America in these islands, with threats of ruin, death and desolation to all who declined to recognize it.

The court, presided over by Judge Hutchinson, afterward Lieutenant-Governor and Chief Justice of Massachusetts, expressed its surprise at the turn of affairs, complimented Otis for his honorable course as an advocate, commended his conduct to the bar, and dismissed the case. With the spread of his reputation Mr. Otis was summoned on legal business to distant parts.

Reports from South Africa seem to indicate that it has played no unimportant role in England's subjugation of the Boers, and General Elwell S. Otis has even been accused of employing it with terrible effect against the forces of Aguinaldo.

Otis, 'I really must insist on your oiling those chains, and have brought you for that purpose a small bottle of the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. It is said to be completely efficacious upon one application, and there are several testimonials to that effect on the wrapper from some of our most eminent native divines.

But I really think I am better able to advise you than Leslie, and certainly every man of us should feel a sense of responsibility to the old Otis and Adams! blood. I will say frankly that in your place I should join the party that owns this State and shows no signs of letting go; in other words, the Republican.

"Goodnow, a word with you," said the Englishman, and he drew his friend aside. "Can't you make room for this boy in your establishment?" Otis Goodnow hesitated. "At present there is no vacancy," he said. "Make room for him, and draw upon me for his wages for the first six months." "I will do so, but before the end of that time I am sure he will justify my paying him out of my own pocket."

We must have our pleasure ashore, and sleep at sea," and the captain tipped his flask with a leer. He turned his eye uncertainly first on me, then on my Lord. "We are lately from Boston, gentlemen, that charnel-house of treason, and before we leave, my Lord, I must tell them how Mr. Robinson of the customs served that dog Otis, in the British Coffee House. God's word, 'twas as good as a play."

She touched a chord in the young man which seemed to make the world a flower-scented thing, full of soft music. Often as he had been in love at first sight before in his time, Otis Pilkington could not recall an occasion on which he had been in love at first sight more completely than now. When she smiled at him, it was as if the gates of heaven had opened.