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"True, old woman, able, willin', and good helpers, thank God, but they want a headpiece still. However, there's a deal of life in the old dog yet. If that dear angel, Otaheitan Sally, were only a man, now, I could resign the command of the ship without a thought. But I've committed the matter to the Lord. He will provide in His own good time. Good-day, old girl.

When the short period of probation was past, Charlie Christian became the happy husband of the girl whom he had all but worshipped from the earliest rememberable days of infancy, and Dan McCoy was united to Sarah Quintal. As in the first case of marriage, Otaheitan Sall was older than her husband; but in her case the difference was so slight as scarcely to be worth mentioning.

The richest Kamtschadale may, indeed, oftener go without a dinner than the richest Otaheitan; but it may be quite the reverse with the poorest. Then, as to quality of the food: if nature has provided more delicious fruits for the natives of tropical climates, she has given a sharper appetite and stronger digestion to the Hyperborean, which equalizes the sum of their enjoyments.

"It's a puzzler," said Otaheitan Sally, in a low tone, which called forth a laugh from the others. It did not take much to make these people laugh, as the observant reader will have perceived. "Well, it is a puzzler," said Adams, with a quiet smile and a perplexed look.

Some of you have suffered in the same way." It scarcely needed this remark to call forth looks of deadly hate on the Otaheitan faces around him. "The white men must die," he continued. "They have no mercy. We will show none."

The result of these enquiries can be seen in the British Museum in the shape of a map drawn by Cook from information given by Tupia. On it are some sentences in the Otaheitan language. A canoe came out to meet the pinnace which had been sent to obtain information.